
Venezuela reached the highest inflation in the world

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) unveiled Tuesday the scarcity index, which measures the total absence of assets and the inability to replace the equivalent of another brand - the first month of 2014. The lower supply of all goods in the domestic market predicted revealed. Was 28 %, the highest figure since the delivery agency that indicator, 5.8 % more than digit announced in December.

Until then the highest number was recorded in 2008 when the Central Bank announced a shortage of 24.7%. This index is obtained after averaging the record of all the items within it. This situation has allowed the agency to establish an optimistic analysis in the press release explaining that deliver results. "In basic foods, the result was 26.2 %, which represents a better supply of these items for the month of December (28.3%). In the January level of scarcity was decisive reduced availability of vehicles, motorcycles and others who are not associated with the essential needs of the Venezuelan people. " In the case of food means that in 26 out of 100 establishments visited no staples. Inflation meanwhile registered a monthly variation of 3.3 %, the highest in the world. In the last year Venezuelans saw a 56.3% increase in prices.

The Venezuelan Automotive Chamber said last week that in the first month of the year the vehicle assembly had fallen 84 % over last January. Yesterday the long queues in front of a sell motorcycles Empire in the Los Chaguaramos, on the south bank of the river Guaire in Caracas, circled a block. A truck full of bikes waiting to download to the expectant eyes of customers.

The limited supply of goods due to the supply crunch. In January, as recalled by the newspaper El Universal, the government gave preferential billion - to $ 6.30 - B less than a year ago and suspended foreign exchange auction convened in late January. Venezuela, which imports almost everything it consumes, is living with the few stocks that remain the private sector and public imports. Entrepreneurship refuses to bring merchandise because he fears the impact of the implementation of the Organic Law of Fair Prices - established profit margins of 30 % - in its cost structure and wide discretion in applying government.

All these companies face setbacks do not seem to worry the BCV. "The population continues they receive, with equal or greater intensity, the benefits provided by the state across the country, through the system of public marketing, you can buy food from basic at affordable prices cart ", explained in the press release distributed on Tuesday. Although BCV maintains a technical payroll according to experts is not contaminated by political whims, the board has lost the autonomy it had in the past. The Reform Act Central Bank of Venezuela passed in 2005 and established the concept of optimal reserves, which resulted to the Executive, without comptroller, all dollars from entering the national coffers that exceed one cap amount, initiated a process that explains the match making agency.

The government says that the jump of the National Consumer Price Index, as it is known technically, due to an "economic war " initiated by " parasitic bourgeoisie ". Although the Central Bank warns that the vast majority of the items -9 13 - are below the monthly indicator. About this result the issuing agency adds: " The figures for the last 4 months (54.3 %, 52.8 %, 56.2 % and 56.3 %) year rates determine the rupture of a growing trend that characterized the behavior last year until October. " In other words, inflation has stabilized.

 Tags: inflation, reached, Venezuela, world


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