
Venus and pluto aspect

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my venus is trine my partener's pluto. Is this a one way aspect? It is very powerful, I feel it now. I have researched it but I can't seem to find a definite if this it just affects me or him also. Also, my sun squares his pluto and my mars conjucts his pluto. Can I get some clarity on how a compatibiliy chart works, like is it one sided? Also, his sun conjucts my moon. Its in my stars to worry like this. lol. Thanks for any input.




  1. Compatibility charts work both ways, since it takes into account both partners' planetary positions and how they interact with each other. There are generally 2 types of compatibility charts - synastry (more popular) and composite (mid-point method).

    Venus-Pluto contacts is one of the most powerful aspects in partner compatibility, esp. the Conjunction, although the trine works nicely as well. Because Pluto is a generational planet, make sure that these 2 planets trine each other with a very tight orb (say 0-3 deg) in order for this to be considered a Trine. THis is more of a karmic aspect that indicates pastlife connections and associations.

    Sun-Moon contacts are also very powerful. In this case, because his Sun conjuncts your Moon, this will result in a very powerful attracttion, with his masculine Sun energies attracting the feminine forces of your Moon. THis is one of the best indicators for long term partnership or marriage.

    On the other hand, Sun squares Pluto could result in some heated arguments now and then, as Pluto person tries to be controlling and interfere into Sun's life and terrority. There can be some feelings of discord and power struggle with this one, but its effects are likely to be substantically reduced by the other powerful conjunction aspects you both have. Mars conjunct Pluto is one powerful aspect that can literally move mountains. Mars person will be supportive of Pluto's decisions for transformational changes in life goals etc.  

  2. How well do you really know your own chart? All you talked about was the compatibility between you and him.

    Generally speaking, almost all trines are essentially harmonious, but it is his Pluto affecting your Venus, and your Venus affecting his Pluto.

    It is not one-sided, but it isn't a mutual effect, if that's what you are asking.

    Think of it this way. A person meets you, and it is as if all the planets in his or her chart are now acting as transits to your chart. The same is true in reverse... your planets act like transits to his/her chart.

    So your Mars affects his Pluto... but it is his Pluto that affects your Mars. These are not the same thing.

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