
Venus flytrap help!?

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I've just bought two venus flytrap on a plant fair.

The condition of these plant is good, but i don't know how long will it last...

I have a few question about it...

1.I understand that venus has hibernate period, how long will it last, and what should i do when it hibernate?

2.I know that Venus should be given food just ONCE EVERY TEN DAYS. Should i give the food just to one trap or to all of it's traps?

3.Besides fly, what insect that Venus can devour?

4.Does venus synthetize, too?

5.Producing flower reduces venus's Energy, what should i do to keep it healthy during it's flowering time?

6.Any good tips or Advice for me?

Please help me,i can't solve these questions alone...




  1. For windowsill culture, the plants should be left in their pots and set into a tray or container that will hold at least an inch of water. Distilled or rain water should be poured into the tray to a depth of approximately 1" and the pots set down into it. The pots should never be allowed to dry out. The plants should be placed in a window that will receive a couple hours of sun daily. Morning sun is best as afternoon sun can scorch the plants as it comes through the glass. Feeding the plants is, after all, one of the greatest joys of owning carnivorous plants but needs to be done in moderation. Only small, soft-bodied insects should be fed to the plants. Overfeeding can kill a leaf and if done in excess can actually kill the plant. Never feed such things as hamburger, raw meat or large insects as they are not digestible and will quickly rot the trap.

    Providing natural sunlight will also help the plant to know when it is the proper time for dormancy. This will be stimulated by the shortening day length of fall. As dormancy approaches the plant will produce shorter leaves until only a small rosette of leaves remains. It is at this time that the plant will require cooler temperatures to enter full dormancy. The pots should be allowed to drain, but not become dry, and then be moved to an area having temperatures of 35 to 45 degrees. Suitable areas would include an unheated basement or spare room or the plants can even be overwintered in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. If storing in the refrigerator first seal the plant, pot and all, in a plastic Ziploc bag to prevent desiccation. Light is not important for the plant at this time but they should be checked periodically through winter to ensure they are not drying out or starting to rot. Winter dormancy is very important to these plants as if they are forced to grow throughout the year they will eventually run out of energy and perish.

    As the days begin to lengthen in the spring, the plants can be brought out of their resting place and gradually exposed to their original growing spot and normal culture should resume. It is at this time that the plants will normally flower and an increase in size should be noticed over the following year. Repotting can also be done at this time using either peat moss or a mix of peat and sand. Never use garden or potting soil, as they do not provide the acidic conditions the plants require.

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