
Venus in Leo in 10th house?

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What would this position mean?




  1. This means that you may treat your romantic relationships like  a business. Try not to be so serious, take it slow. Also it means when in are in  love you are extremely generous.

  2. people see you, you shine really bright.  probably hard to see you "inside", though...

  3. You enjoy the arts and probably are a good actor. You are a social creature

  4. Hi Skillz

    Leo in the 10th is usually good for entertainment, acting, music etc.... The creative vitality is strong and potent here. You are one who seeks to be noticed through your achievements and who is deeply determined to reach a high station in life. You are hungry for fame and power.

    This position favors the arts and fashion as well. All leisure activities and work have to do with young people in general.

    Leo in 10th always seeks center of attraction even in his professional life and brings a great deal of personality in his environment. Sometimes he roars, to become overly involved with oneself .

    On another level, Leo often brings reversals in profession until he or she becomes less selfish and thinks of others.

    With Venus, this is a most fortunate position for it gives ability to use one's magnetism to add charisma to the professional life. Again, the arts and all careers that deal with beauty in some form are points of interest. Usually, if the aspects allow, you should have a good relationship with the father. Another good point is that you create your own opportunities and they come easy to you as well.

  5. Leo owns 10 houses, wow.. What are the mortgage payments?

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