
Verbal abusive teacher going on for years...?

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now she is attacking my daughter who is a freshman. My son, who is a senior now, had to go through this teachers words of insults, now my daughter who is started her path of abuse. This teacher is a total *** to her students, she would talk down to them and the students are so afraid of her. One time in class she called my son a name, who wasn't there to protect himself, and my daughter tried to stick up for him but it is useless. She then later called my daughter ignorant. My son and daughter are straight A students and are good kids. I have spoke to the main principal and the main school district office about this teacher and they want me and my wife to talk to her in person. My kids are so afraid of what she will do afterwards and I want to respect their wishes by not doing nothing but hey no one calls my kids names. Any suggestions!




  1. tell your daughter to do whatever she has to do to defend herself..if she gets in trouble with the administration, the teacher will have a tough time explaining how it all happened.

  2. Write down everything that has happened and mail a copy of it to every member of the school board.

    State you aer going to be bringing this up at the next school board meeting.

    The school wants YOU to talk to the teacher instead of THEM doing somethign about it themselves?  WTF??

    I would also write a letter to the editor or local newspaper to be put in it.

    With senority, tenure, NEA, unions,  etc  I doubt if any of this would to any good.

    They kick the GOOD ones out to the curb while the bad ones ROT in school.

    They won't get rid of the teacher because they are scared of getting sued, but I'd make a stink about it anyway.

    They are making the kids pay for this c**p, time to make them pay

  3. i would report it to the school board, my little brother went through something similar except the teacher had weird ways of disciplining the students (she would face the student to the wall and listen to the teacher), my parents reported the EVERY issue and the next year she got fired from the school. All i am saying is that you should report the issues to the school board and hope that something will happen. (which it probably will because you, you son, and your daughter can prove it and possibly the students that witnessed the verbal abuse.

  4. High school is silly like that. Just have them switch to a different class. They will let you if you make enough of a fuss.

    I had a teacher like that back in HS and I had conferences, brought in administrators, etc. But their hands are tied too. Choose your battles and just let this one go. Make sure your kids get the grades they deserve and leave this teacher alone. ya know?

  5. Talk to the teacher immediately! Question her methods and inquire as to what she thinks that she is accomplishing. Let her know that her words are destryoing the self esteem of your children and most likely that of other people's children. I know that you are worried that your children will be angry that you spoke to her because they fear what the teacher may say or do to them, but do you see how scary it is that your children are that afraid of another human being? They really are in fear of their teacher. A teacher is a support sytem not a monster!

    If you find that after she explains herself she does not have a valid reason for treating your children in the manner in which she does, let her know that you will be speaking to the school administrator and other parents about her behavior because it is unacceptable.

    If you need to pull your daughter out of her class, do so. There is no reason for any teacher to be verbally abusive. It is absolutely wrong.

  6. Obviously "Hey U...Yea U...Get over here" is a stupid kid.  How did your parents raise YOU is my question.  MY son and it is my son you are talking about is not a "puuuuuusy"!  I am the mother of the children in question.  I have taught my son to respect.  And that is what he gives his teachers.  Not everyone likes confrontation.  Everyone is made differently.  You can all give your opinions and say what should or should not be done.  When you are in the middle of it, though...all bets are off.  So, "Hey U...", shut up and let someone who knows what they're talking about answer this question.  Who's the beotch now????

  7. Well when teachers try and give me mouth.

    I just tell them to shut up and give them verbal abuse back !

    I don't care , it teaches them not to talk to us teens like that !

    If they can't take it , then they shouldn't be teachers.

  8. Why don't you move your kid?

    Obviously her superiors do not see that there is a problem or that you case is sturdy enough to prove an issue.  For your child's peace of mind get her moved.

  9. well, some teachers are like that, they yell and scream, but most people just say that it is dissapline... so she probably wont get fired... id pull ur kids out of that school or class...

  10. yah, it builds character in your kids.  You children will have to come across these sorts of ppl for the rest of their the work place and out.  It's you job to teach them HOW to deal with these sorts of ppl.  There's @ssholes everywhere...are you the type of person that just lets these @ssholes shiiit on you b/c u r afraid of confrontation or do you stick up for yourself?  Me personally, i had a really @sshole of beotch teacher my senior year also in HS tried to give me an F saying she never received any of my homework etc.  So you know what i did....i demanded that she open her locked file cabinet where my file was in front of the whole class...when she refused i called the principal to the class (while everyone just sat there) and had him open the file cabinet and LOW and BEHOLD there's all my work.  My arguement could i get A's and B's on my all my test's but not do any of my homework?  hmmmmmm!  She was just peee'od b/c i would proves her wrong in a lot of stuff...basically making her look like she was inept...b/c she was.  

    I don't know what your chidrens conflict with this teacher is but they need to stand up for themselves...whether it's a teacher or not.  And you going in there and talking to her on the behalf of you Freshman daughter is step (she's young yet and still is afraid of adults...very common and normal and good in a way) but you Senior son needs to start standing up for himself.  he's an adult now..not to mention a man...he needs stop being a puuuusssy and start being an adult man.  Afraid of a teacher...what sort of man did u raise seriously.

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