
Verbal irony? Please help... I have an English essay.?

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I've looked in my text book at the definition but that hasn't helped. I need like some really good examples. I have to write an essay explaining the use of verbal and dramatic irony in a specific passage of a book that my English class has read, The Crucible(A play about the Salem Witch Trials). I understand dramatic irony pretty well... but when it comes to verbal irony...I am confused. Could someone please give me a really good explanation and examples?

Thanks ;)




  1. A good simple example would be someone coming in from the rain completely soaked and saying "nice weather we're having"

  2. Verbal Irony

    You hear verbal irony in conversations all the time. The simple comment, "Oh Great" after something rotten happens is verbal irony. Verbal irony is by far the most accessible, far-reaching, and heavily utilized form of irony (and also of sarcastic humor) because it is its simplest form - it just involves the equation of two people talking to one another (whereas other forms of irony require a "third" party, generally an audience of some sort to interpret that scenarios as ironic). Of course, as commonplace these days as it may be, verbal irony is an art form to many, requiring the most studied and theatrical of deliveries to achieve peak humorous affect and/or poignancy. With verbal irony, timing is everything. If an ironic comment comes too late or too early in a conversation, is spoken without the correct tone or in an inappropriate circumstance, it may be taken as offensive, or simply as confusing. If, for example a person steps in big puddle of water by mistake, and his/her friend smiles kindly, starts to help his friend up and remarks, "well now, don't you have all the luck!" The comment will probably be taken as funny and ironic and the two will laugh the mishap off. If however, the friend scoffs at his wet, fallen friend, laughs, and says "HA LUCKY YOU!" and yells it really loudly and obnoxiously, it may not be as funny. Verbal irony in its essence requires an understanding of circumstance, attitude, and most importantly, timing.

    Also Google"examples of verbal irony"

  3. maybe it would be something like;

    "stop mumbling, i can't understand you!" he mumbled

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