
Verizon remote Programing codes for sylvania TV?

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what is a verizon fios programing code for a sylvania TV




  1. Step
    Phillips RC 144 Fios RemoteTurn on your TV or other device that you would like your Phillips RC 144 Fios remote to control.

    2Press and hold the corresponding device button on the remote. While holding the button down, press "OK." Then release the buttons. The mode buttons should blink twice to indicate that this step was performed correctly.

    3Enter the code 922

    4Take your Fios remote and point it to the device you are programing. Then press the top part of the "PLAY" button.

    5Manually scroll through the over 200+ codes by repeatedly pressing the fast forward button until the device turns off. If you accidently push the fast forward button too many times, you can go back to a previous code by pressing the rewind button. As soon as the device turns off, you have found the right code. Press "OK" to save the code in the remote. If you get to the end of all the possible codes, the remote will blink twice.

  2. Now I have tried 28 recomended codes and none worked

  3. Look in the battery compartment of the remote for the remote #, I will post if I ever find the answer myself, I have the same issue. My first look at the fios site yielded four codes only, the last look about twenty codes. What IDOCY is this? A brand new TV, and I am screwed by FIOS not keeping up! Sheeesh!

  4. How about for a Sylvania LC320SLX - has anyone found a Fios remote code?

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