
Verona, Milan, or Torino?

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Which should I go to and why?




  1. I spent a whole month in Turin.  It was amazing.  You can see the french alps from there.  I was told by everyone there, mainly other Au Pairs from America, New Zealand and England, that Milan was very dirty.  I would do all 3 if you have time.  They are pretty close.  You can travel very easily out there.  Have fun when you go.  I need to get back out to Turin myself.  I miss it there.

  2. milan for the night and verona for the quiet

  3. Torino/Turin.. I think the best!

    you can see the beautiful alps, architecture and a lot of museum , go out by night in nice locals/pubs etc... and eat the best chocolate and foods!!!

    Turin is super also for the story (Roman, Savoy, Capital city period....)

    I love Turin and I suggest it for your travel!!


  4. they are all fabulous cities, but i like milano the best. it's the home of italian fashion and the churches there are amazing. here are websites for each city, though:

  5. Torino is much more "artistic", it's much more quite and relaxing, there are a lot of gardens ... it's famous for chocolate (gianduja) and birthplace of FIAT(cars). you can visit these 2 sites(in engish)..

    Milan is just busy but, if you have millions to do shopping, go there...

  6. Milan is by far the worst. A dirty, graffiti covered, money centric place. I would completely avoid it. Turin on the other hand is wonderful - the city's setting alone is breathtaking. numerous rivers flow through the city including the mighty Po river, it is surrounded by an alpine backdrop  and overlooked by a hill that is as beautiful as anything in Tuscany.

    The city was once home to the Savoy kings and is still regal in appearance with wide squares, arcaded avenues (so royalty could walk without getting wet!)

    Verona is also a great city though I prefer Vicenza. The palladian architecture around Vicenza is fabulous and the city itself is a very pleasant place.

  7. I'm Veronese = by Verona, and I can tell you it's a wonderful city, with really a lot of tourists, 24/24 h 7/7 days. There are a lot of things to do, to see, to photograph, it's a site of  UNESCO all the city, really you can't miss it.

    Milan is horrible to visit, pollution and bad & depressed people. Turin better, but Verona is another world.

    The only thing, people here are more aloof, close than any other place in Italy. Nobody will you bawl anything to you in streets :D

  8. Milan is like the Los Angeles of Italy, Torino is good, if you want to see the shroud of Turin, thats where it is (Turin is the english word for Torino), I don't know much about Verona. It depends on what kind of city you want to visit.

  9. I have been to Milan and Verona and the second is littler and more touristic,Milan is a very big city with lots of things to do but very polluted, you should chose between a big big city very "International" and an other one little and touristic...

  10. Milano is a large commercial city, which is great for shopping, and night life, but does not have a great deal of character. Some of the areas outside the main shopping areas are quite run down and covered in grafiti.

    Torino has a unique style about it, which makes it feel particulary 'Italian'. It has some great artcitecture, and a much more relaxed feel about it. There are some nice plazza's and shopping areas, with numerous bars and cafes. The area along the River Po, has some spectular scenery, and is very busy at night. The people in Torino, are more friendly than their Milano conterparts.

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