
Vertical jump.. i need help!?

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does anyone have tips on how to get my vertical jump higher??? Pleasee helppp me!




  1. Do squats, leg extensions, and also do exercises that work you calves.

  2. My top two tips would be:

    1. Practice your approach over and over and over again.

    2. My coach stacks up mats about two feet high and two feet apart and has us hop over them, after about 3 of the two foot height mats she stacks two on top of each other and you jump over a four foot mat. This really helped me.

    Good luck!

  3. There are lots of things you can do.  Weight lifting is the best answer.  If you don't lift already you need to get help putting together a program that suits volleyball.  It's not about how much weight you are using, it's about being able to be explosive...and that's what jumping is all about.  Make sure that you strenghthen your legs.

    Plyometrics are also very important.  Like anything, you must train your body HOW to jump.  Start with jumping up onto a box and make sure you are landing properly and repeat generally about 3 sets of 15.  Make sure that your technique includes using your arms.  Then you can start on a box and STEP OFF and bound off the ground to another box.  This teaches your body how to convert your energy into quick bursts.  Make sure you don't jump off the box as it's not generally good on your body to jump off things that can be high.  Thirdly you can line up a bunch of things to jump onto, or over in a line.  This will teach you jumping up and jumping forward using the same string of momentum.  It will also help with your coordination.  

    Lastly, small block jumps, which I call wall touches are good, and are FAST.  Your heels don't jump, so make sure all jumping is done on your toes.  Do again about 3 series of 10 or so.  

    I also heard that wearing ankle weights can help but I personally think that more attention is needed in the beginning to increase the vertical and then merely use the ankle weights as a small bonus.  GOOD LUCK and happy jumping!  Email me if you need more specifics.

  4. One thing that I've heard helps is something you can do in your bathroom at home - with only your body weight.

    Stand up on the edge of the bathtub, and hold onto the shower rod. With your toes on the edge of the tub, and your heels hanging off the edge, lower yourself down, and then stretch all the way up. If you do several reps, several times, over several days.

    You can also do one leg at a time, or both at the same time.

    Of course, you can also goto the gym, and use the equipment there. But the one I suggested you can do this at home in your bathroom.

    Good luck to you.

  5. use a 4 step approach/footwork and technique come first with technique make sure you fully extend you arm when you swing and also hit the top of the ball snapping you wrist when you make contact and follow through.... make sure you also keep the ball in front of you and tour timing with your setter is a must....

  6. Do squat jumps. 3x15 3x10 somewhere in that rep range.

  7. put on sandbags around your ankles. jump as high as you can or you can aim for a vertical target,

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