
Vertical? jumppp? help please?

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what do professional basketball players do to improve their verticals

does squatiing help your vertical????

if so does it help dramatically??

and also what are some calf exercise's that u cud do to help imrpoove your vertical also




  1. the basketball players do squats with weights on each arm.

    they jump and touch the backboard over and over again non stop.

    last thing is just jump highest u can.

    wall sits help too (wall sit is just like ur sitting on a imaginary chair with your back on the wall. and also you need a good core. cuz u need it.

    do all these exercises until you feel the burn in your legs

  2. Just excersicing their leg muscles and jump ( play basketball) a lot

    get some muscle on your legs

  3. Yes, squats absolutely help if you do them correctly. I play d3 hoops and my program is centered around squats. The goal is to do all your lifts explosively so that the strength transfers into jumping. Once you get a good strength base, other training will be much more effective. Go here for great information

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