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Hey everyone.. My period is due in 4 days( hopefully not..) Iam currently TTC

I did the baby dance on all the right days and everything and the past few says i have been having period like cramps and (constipation.. and lots of white EWCUM)..tmi ( i know), and just "feeling pregnant"

I know it might be a little early to have symptoms but please let me know your input.. DO you think its all in my head

or could i actually finally be pregnant!!!!!

Whens the earlies i can test??




  1. im not sure. it seems that my sister found out within just a few weeks.

  2. 'ew, ***' is right

  3. I'm currently 2 months pregnant and found out about a day after my missed period using the first response pregnancy test. From my own experience, I only had the EWCM during the day that I ovulated. After thats it went away. I just started getting constipation more recently, although a friend of mine had constipation very early on. I did get the period like cramps very early- I remember running to the bathroom because I thought I "started" but it never came. So...that could be a sign that you are pregnant, or a sign that you are getting ready to start your period. Unfortunately they share many of the same symptoms =(

    One of my earliest indicators was severe tiredness. I would almost fall asleep at work and would come home exhausted!!

    Good Luck to you! I hope your symptoms are pointing towards pregnancy!!!

  4. Well tests these days are suppose to pick up as early as 5 days before your missed period. Maybe pick up a test tomorrow and take it with first morning urine the next day. The Egg white cervical mucus is a good sign. Best wishes and I hope you are!

  5. The first response test can be taken five days before your period is due.  As for your feeling pregnant I am not sure.  When i got pregnant i didnt really have cramps, it was more like this heavy feeling kind of low in my abdomen.  I just had this feeling like i knew.  I wish you luck, and hope that this is it.  Good Luck!!!!

  6. they say you can test 5 days befreo but i didnt get a positive test till the day of so if you can wait til then to bypass the disapointment of a negative test. good luck! You could be pregnant yes but those symptoms are vague

  7. lmao the baby dance im using that one

  8. The EPT test can be tested in as early as 5 days before your missed period.  I had period like symptoms for both of my's a good possibility!!  Good Luck!!

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