
Very Important!! Serious answers only please? Could there be something wrong with my heart?

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I'm started to get a little worried the more research I do. I am 13 years old, just letting you know.

My doctor had me have an ECG (Electrocardiogram ) because my grandfather died of a sudden heart attack when he was 49. They said that there was a little shadow that maybe a little opening in my heart, but they didn't run anymore tests because my mom didn't have the money. (insurance doesn't cover that type of stuff.)

Lately I have been having these feeling in my heart. Kind of like I can feel the blood, or something like that. I guess you could say that it is "palpitations"? I don't get them all the time, just every once in awhile. I breath very slow along with taking tiny breaths, and it's hard to take a deep breath if that has anything to do with it.

I just want to know if there is something wrong with me.




  1. I honestly think you are paranoid. Since you got the ECG, what your doctor said has worried you. I know how you feel because everytime I think im sick I google around and freak myself out more because I self-diagnose myself with these weird things. LOL. Then I end up going to the doctor and being fine. Its all in your head, dont worry! Stop thinking about it and you'll notice it stop. Its just paranoia. It will go away :)

    BUT... sometimes people just get those weird heartbeats. Just breathe in and out and it will pass. it just happens- were humans and our hearts work hard- but they do weird things! DONT WORRY- at 13, nothing is wrong w/ ur heart!! :)

  2. your just psyching yourself out  

  3. There's no way to know for sure without doing the necessary tests.  I'm not sure what they meant by "shadow."  It's too hard to make the diagnosis over the internet.  Look for a free clinic.  

    Doctors cannot (by federal law) charge an uninsured patient a different amount of money than they charge an insurance company.  This is one of the stupid laws passed by our government that makes helping people like yourself out much harder.  This is what "universal health care" type laws do inadvertently.

    It's true that anxiety can cause symptoms you're describing, but I can't tell you over the internet that you don't have a congenital or acquired heart anomaly, unfortunately.

  4. Palpations are normal in young kids such as your self you shouldn't worry unless you start getting chest pain that doesn't go away and sometimes that can even be a cause of anxiety and you can have panick attacks but just breathe deeply your ok

  5. I know how you are feeling. When i was 15 i was diagnosedd with partiallyy prolapsed mitro valve syndromThat'ss what sounds like you are having. It isn'tt life threatning its usualy caused by stress and brings on panic attacks. Try to keep a log of what you are doing when it starts to hurt. Thats what helped with my diagnoseses. One thing i learned for it is not to freak out when it happends. You will think mentaly its getting worse when its no trust me I've been there Haha. I hope this helped you alittle bit. (sorry for the spelling erros my computers freaking out)

  6. if your docter doesnt think so. i dont..

  7. You might be having panic attacks. I bet if you tried really hard, you could find a doctor somewhere who would check you out for a low price or nothing.

  8. You don't see anything with an ECG.  An ECG is a tracing of the electrical activity of your heart, not a picture of it.  That particular test is called an echocardiogram.  However, had there been a problem with your heart, the ECG should have shown some sort of evidence of that.   The doctor would also have likely heard any murmurs that would have suggested anything serious, like a hole in the heart somewhere.  So I am not sure what you mean by a shadow.  I suspect the problem is that you have become aware of your heart, and afraid that something will go wrong with it.  That would be perfectly understandable since your grandfather died so suddenly of a heart attack.  However, 49 is still in the risk period for men to do exactly that, and the fact that he did doesn't mean you will.  We know a lot more about keeping hearts healthy now, and how to help avoid that happening.  If you become particularly aware of your heartbeat, your awareness can make it do funny things.  It can speed up, skip beats, even feel like it's flopping around in your chest.  At the same time, the heart and lungs are interconnected, and when funny things happen to the heart, funny things happen to your breathing as well.  Actually, it could, and probably does mean, that you are perfectly normal and things are reacting exactly the way they should.  If you are really concerned about this, and would like some reassurance from a person with a face and diploma you can see- just go see a regular doctor and ask them to give your heart a listen.  In the meantime, just try to relax about it all as much as you can, and don't get nervous or upset if you realize your heart is fluttery.  Distract yourself, and you will probably find later on that it has all calmed down.  And quit researching things on the medical sites.  All that will do is give you more things to worry about, mostly without reason.  My heart would flutter too, if I looked into some of that stuff, and shoot- it's my profession.

  9. Hmmm..I think you should have the test done as quickly as possible. Opening in the heart is a serious condition, as little as the opening is, it can get bigger,the bigger hole, the less survival. Plus,you have a hereditary condition,your grandpa died of heart attack right?It's a cardiovascular condition that can be passed from grandpa to sons to gran-daughters -- you get what I mean?..and also if you are more into sports,don't overstress yourself, It will make you breathe harder and more difficult to control,ayt?..hope it helps!

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