
Very Sad Dreams Help Please?

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I've been having some pretty sad dreams i'd rather not go into detail but just like an explanation of why? i mean it's not like i have a bunch of sad stuff happening besides breaking up with my girlfriend. How does what i do affect my dreams? is there a way to midly control my dreams? how can i make them not wake me up crying :( help very much aprecieated no criticizm please




  1. dont u know dream manipulation.

  2. Your dreams are only affected by your inner conscience. It would probably be best if you stopped thinking about it so much, but if that  thadoesn't work, I findt after a really strenuous workout, I don't fream at all. hmmm...spell check that. Oh, if it is really bugging you, you can look up lucid dreaming, it gives you control of your dreams, but it takes practice. Better yet, don't sleep at all.

  3. your sad because you broke with your girlfriend you may not feel it but its deep deep inside so you think about it than you sleep in dream sad things  

  4. Most probably during the day ; you are holding your suffering and tears; because you do not want anybody see all your distress ; so when you are sleeping ; all this sadness goes into your dreams . How to stop those terrible dreams ; well its not easy ;but try to talk with counsellor or your pastor ; because the more you will get out of your chest ; the faster you will heal  

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