
Very Weird Symptoms.. what's wrong with me!?

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Okay I've been having the following symptoms for a few weeks now..

* Excessive Thirst

* Very Dry Skin

* A weird pain at the base of my throat (the same pain u get when u wanna stop urself crying - except stronger. It an on/off thing, increases when i actually cry)

* Always sleepy & Tired & lazy

* Always feel coooooooooollldddd no matter what

* Loss of appettite..

whats wrong with me?!

I was thinking maybe hypothyroidism (Cretinism).. ?

56 minutes ago - 1 week left to answer.

Additional Details

54 minutes ago

Oh yeah and i get these weird shooting pains in my shins.. The kind of pain u get from standing up for too long. Expect i havent been doing ANY vigorous/accelerated movement or excercise.

53 minutes ago

btw i am VERY active normally.. and i have a hard time losing weight. Gaining weight is very slow too.




  1. sylvia brown says "get your thyroid checked"

  2. possibly a thyroid condition

  3. It might be a thyroid problem.

    Check with your doctor for some blood tests to rule it out or diagnose it.

    Below is a link to WebMD's Thyroid problem page and things you can do to see for yourself things you might want to talk to you doctor about.

  4. wow.i think you need to see a doctor

  5. see a doctor if you really want to know.....or just pray about it, put some lotion on, drink some water and get excersize, pain in the shins.....everyone has weird pains, and it could be shin splints....try

  6. Correct, maybe this Is thyroid problem, my mother suffered from it and she suffered from same symptoms. see an endocrinologist as soon as possible, before the problem gets worse.

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