
Very agressive and smart fish how do i get him out of my tank

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have a domino damsel and it is very hard to get it out with a net it hides in the rocks and is realy fast how can i get it to come out so i can catch it?




  1. I had this same problem with an aggressive zebra danio.

    What I did was empty almost all of the water out leaving on 2 inches above the gravel ( how much you take out depends on the size of all your other fish) then i went ahead and removed all of the decorations and them went after him. He ran out of places to hide and i finally caught him. an hour later lol

    good luck! your gonna need it :)

  2. lol what i do is try to make it go in a one way cave and keep the net in front so when he comes out he goes in the net


    keep the net in the water and throw in food when it comes to the top catch it while its eating lol

  3. When i had to take out a loach of mine that was fast and kept hiding, i left the net in there for 15mins b4 hand and thn put some food in it and he swam in there by itself. Requires a bit of patience but it works

  4. Remove the rock where it hides, if you can't then put some pellets and get ready with the fish net. If that does not work, reduce the water in your aquarium can slow it down.

  5. hmmm, usually if I have a fish like that I take out the rocks it hides around but if your aquarium is made so that taking the rocks out will mess it up I wouldn't do it.  I don't have real plants or anything because I'm not good at taking care of those so its easy for me to do this and I clean my decor anyway so I just take it out and then get the fish.

    If you can't do this then I would just say persevere and keep on trying.  Sorry I'm not much help.

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