
Very complicated situation.. please help?!?

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Okay so first there's this guy that I've known for about 4 years now. Our parents are friends and we spend every new years eve together. He's a year younger than me. So anyways, a few months ago we started talking again, he told me that he liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I thought it was weird cause I never thought of him like that. I thought we had a brother sister type of relationship. I said yes because I felt bad but then said no. The week after he told our parents that he liked me and they were trying to make me date him. I said no again because our parents trying to get us together? Okward lol.. Well we kept talking and I started to like him. We were supposed to go on a date about a month and a half ago but I got grounded so we never did.. Then about 3 weeks ago he told me he had a girlfriend. We talked the day after and haven't talked since. He hasn't answered my texts or anything.. What should I do? And what do you think about all of this?




  1. Well..... sounds like your timing is just off.

    He liked you, but you  thought of him more of a brother type.

    Then your parents were trying to get you together, but you weren't into it.

    Then you started to like him, but you got grounded & couldn't see him.

    You told him you liked him, but maybe he was kind of hurt that you put him off so now he wasn't really into it.

    Then you tried to talk to him again, but he had a girlfriend

    Classic case of bad timing, haha -- That happens sometimes. Sometimes your timing with someone is just off. He's got a girlfriend right now, so there's really nothing you can do -- but stay in touch with him. It's not like he's going to marry this girl (at least I doubt it! haha) -- they'll probably break up and if you keep in touch, maybe you guys can try again.... maybe it's just not your time right now. Timing is very weird w/ dating.... sometimes you date someone.... break up.... then 12 yrs later you run into them and get married! God works in mysterious ways :-)

    Watch Gone With the Wind.... Rhett & Scarlett... another case of bad timing, lol -- but for they never good get it right!

  2. It sounds like you didn't want to date him and that you didn't like him in that manner.  So, what is the problem?  If you want to be his friend, then treat him like a friend.  but if you are now interested only because he has a gf, then you should respect him and his current relationship and move forward.

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