
Very concerend about my 3 year old. what signs do you look for for sexual abuse?

by  |  earlier

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At his day care a teacher has been arrested for sexual abuse on a boy ever since this has all serfaced i catch him doing strange things like slipping his hand up his pants (not down them) he has been found in bed with his pants down butt in the air and putting his finger there.... WHAT IS GOING ON WHAT DO I DO?




  1. if the teacher was recently arrested i would think they have to send in a specialist to evaluate all the children in the daycare, if that is not being done talk to the police and let them know you have suspensions and ask that they encourage specialist to speak with the children, 1st thing in the morning i would make an appointment with my child's pediatrician and explain the situation and have them do an exam, hope this helps you and I'll be praying for your son and you

  2. I would take him in for a evaluation. I know if I were in that situation, I would want too just to be sure. Especially if someone he has been around has been arrested for sexual abuse. You can NEVER be too careful in this situation.

  3. u could take him to a canceler maybe that can help ; )

  4. I would have him evaluated. I can't tell you if he has or hasn't been abused, but there are docs who can.

    I would feel the same way as you do, if I encountered this. I would go ahead and warn you though, that if it's been too long since it happened, if it did, there may be no physical evidence. In addition, some children get to a point in their life where all holes in there body are interesting as well as there private areas. As far as going up instead of down the pants, I wouldn't say it points to yes or no...the way a child gets to what they want to investigate varies from child to child. Considering the circumstances I would consider these signs to be what you're thinking. It would be best for you and your son if you have him evaluated. If this is what you think, they ****** needs to be busted for all that he/she has done and not some.

    Best of luck, I know how you feel. I sometimes wonder if my niece has been through this. Hopefully neither of them have.

  5. Take him to the doctor and them do an exam to check.  Although most boys m********e at that age, sticking his butt in the air, and being naked in bed is a cause for concern.

  6. LOTS of kids are intrested about their bodies at that age. if you see anything else EXTREMELY strange and over the top, you need to take action.

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