
Very confused about my conception date!?

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My last period was 6/29. I had one 6/24 which is strange because I never have had one come early before. I took my first positive test on 07/26. So based on my period I was assuming I'm 8 weeks pregnant right now. Unless that last weird period wasn't really a period & then I'd be 11 weeks right now. So I went to the Dr today from some spotting I've been having & when they did the sonogram, the baby is measuring at 6 weeks. So she's telling me my conception date is actually 07/28. 2 days AFTER my POSITIVE pregnancy test!? How in the world would a pregnancy test that doesn't even work until you've missed a period tell me I'm pregnant before I've even conceived!? When I asked the nurse as well as the Dr, they just shrugged their shoulders. I had s*x 06/12 & 06/16. I am so confused. Either they are really wrong, or my baby is 2 weeks too small which is worrying me! Anyone ever heard of something like this? Help!!




  1. ok

  2. wow! that would be confusing. Well. the second "period" you had might have been implantation bleeding which would mean you'd be about 1 week pregnant when that happened.

    they can really be off with ultrasounds, up to a lb don't freak out yet. Enjoy your pregnancy and try to wait until later on to worry about due dates. Go with your gut, you've got a long road ahead of you...try to take it one day at at time.

  3. You are early in your pregnancy. From personal experience, baby is always going to measure smaller, especially earlier. At my first ultrasound they measured me two weeks behind what I said and then at my second one I measured dead on what I said I was. So you can't always go by ultrasounds for estimation of conception. Just go with what you think. Normally a positive pregnancy test won't read until 8-10 days past ovulation.

  4. I would talk to the dr again or ask for a second opinion.  Rememeber this is for you concerning your baby and you have every right to get help with any questions you may have.  Good luck.

  5. ok if your period was 6/24 then your

    Your Due Date Is Thursday, April 02, 2009

    Your conception date was most likely Thursday, July 10, 2008

    You are in Week 9 of your pregnancy

    and your baby is 7 weeks old.

    Your Second Trimester will begin 10/2/2008

    And your Third Trimester will begin 1/1/2009

    60 days down, 220 to go!

    The above information is based on a LMP date of 06/26/2008 and a 28 day cycle. Use a different date: LMP or Birth / Due Date  

    Fun Birthday Facts

    Your baby's birthstone will be Diamond (Innocence)

    Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Aries

    Your baby's Flower is Daisy or Sweet_Pea (Yellow, Red and colorless)

    Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Ox

    This time next year your baby will be 21 Weeks Old!

    Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?

    and if your period was on the 6/29 then


    Your Due Date Is Sunday, April 05, 2009

    Your conception date was most likely Sunday, July 13, 2008

    You are in Week 9 of your pregnancy

    and your baby is 7 weeks old.

    Your Second Trimester will begin 10/5/2008

    And your Third Trimester will begin 1/4/2009

    57 days down, 223 to go!

    The above information is based on a LMP date of 06/29/2008 and a 28 day cycle. Use a different date: LMP or Birth / Due Date  

    Fun Birthday Facts

    Your baby's birthstone will be Diamond (Innocence)

    Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Aries

    Your baby's Flower is Daisy or Sweet_Pea (Yellow, Red and colorless)

    Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Ox

    This time next year your baby will be 21 Weeks Old!

    Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?  

  6. Early ultrasounds are usually quite accurate, so I would assume that the dates they gave you are correct...  which is very strange!  

    I would discuss what has happened with your doctor (and if he/she won't listen, I would suggest going to someone else).

    You should have your hormone levels measure to make sure they are increasing, and perhaps another ultrasound to double check the age of the fetus.  

    Good Luck!!  

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