
Very disparate to become pragnant ?

by  |  earlier

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i was on the pill for 9 years and me and my husband decided that now is the time to have a baby. i stop to take the pill at the end of march, since then my period was not normal i had to take some other pills to have my period back and even in this months i am try for a baby but still no positive results. I CAN'T GET PREGNANT. Want should i do by now. PLEASE HELP




  1. You need to go to a doctor so that he/she can examine you, and find out why you can't get pregnant.

  2. see your doctor who is more qualified than anyone on yahoo to answer your question

  3. It can take a perfectly healthy couple up to a Year to get pregnant!  

    I was also on the pill for 9 years and came off it Aug 07... I fell pregnant in September.. It was a total Shock as I didnt expect to fall pregnant so quickly! But unfortunately I had a m/c in December 07 as the baby failed to develop.. It was totally devastating!

    So be patient.. It will happen just give it time!  This is the best advice I can give.. Relax, Enjoy being with your partner, dont have s*x just to try to conceive as this will put soo much pressure on both of you!

    I was desperate to conceive after the m/c and in April we decided to relax and if it happened then great! And we conceived in May.. I am now 15wks pregnant! :)

    So please try to relax and dont stress.. It worked for me!

    Best of Luck x

  4. relax, it took me 2 years to get pregnant ...always thought about babies during having s*x. cant enjoy it like i would normally do .when my husband c*** inside me I was like " babies babies babies" ..when i finnally gave up and not thinking abou it, i took vacation and got pregnant while vacationing all i can say now is dont think about it too much ... just relax!

  5. Relax. You've only been trying for like 5 months, and during that time you've also taken other pills. Getting pregnant does not happen straight away for everybody, it can take up to a year to conceive even when both partners are perfectly healthy.

    Go to your doctor, and see if they can explain to you how best to chart your most fertile times and remember to have fun! Stress and worry will stop you conceiving, so try not to get too wrapped up in it.

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