
Very embarassing, but important question....for mothers of baby girls only please?

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First of all, this is really embarassing for me, but out of curiousity I want to know if I am alone. My daughter is almost 16 months old and she discoverd "herself" months ago. Well, now she has gotten to where she has started exploring so I have to make sure she is clothed apporpriatley so she has no acess other than bathtime. Well the other day, I am sitting there beside her in the bathtub and I turned around to find her putting her toothbrush there and laughing? So I know this was harmless, but I am afraid she is going to "hurt herself" by pinching, grabbing, and pulling herself down there. Obviously, I know her anatomy because I am her mother..I noticed the other day that the small v shaped like skin at the lower part of the vaginal opening was no longer. (I am not referring to the "hymen", but where the folds of skin meet at the lower part of the vaginal opening) Can this sort of thing be stretched about since she is walking etc? I know it is normal for her to explore, but to an extent I am afraid she is hurting herself. Any advice?




  1. I'm sure she's fine and if you have more questions - ask her doctor at the next check up.

  2. I think if it was hurting her, then she would ne longer be doing it as it would be too painful.

    She's fine. They all do it to varying degrees.

  3. It's normal, boys & girls have a phase in which they want to be down there all the time, it'll pass.. I have a boy so i don't know about the skin.. But you shouldnt worry, she'll be fine.

    God Bless

  4. i dont have a daughter, but 2 neices. while their mom didnt go into much detail about this when they were at that stage i do know its normal for them to explore themselves. as for the v-shaped skin, it could be a fold that she has grown into. if you are worried though, you should take her to the doctor.

  5. Just let her touch herself as long as she isn't doing it in public or around people....she is just discovering , and it is a different feeling to her...she will be fine....

  6. I think if she was hurting her self she would have told you, my daughter is learning how to wash herself and she accidentally put soap in her "cootie". She told me it burned, and I said well pumpkin I cant go inside you have to pee and let it rinse out on its own, she says no mommy just go  in there and take it all out. Girls are going to be curious. Obviously you should teach her not to stick anything in there, and not to let any body else touch her either. I tell my daughter from now on let Mommy wash your cootie, and nobody else can touch you there. Even if it doesn't hurt her to touch it you don't want to start any bad habits that could spiral out of control. As far as the "v" shape, I would ask the doctor or get some books on female anatomy, it can teach some things about your daughter as well as yourself.  

  7. there is nothing wrong with a little girl exploring herself as long as what she is doing is harmless. my 16 month old touches or tries to help me wipe down there during changing time... but what you are saying seems like it needs a little more research if she is sticking things down there there is always the possibility that some one is touching her down there. i would be a little more concerned if that was my baby. there is a difference in exploring and going to far  

  8. Let her explore herself, but not in public. soon, she'll get used to her body then stop "exploring"

  9. i am not a mother but i lived with my cuzn wen she had her twins girls i know the flap of skin ur talking about we had no idea what it was either but it will go away with time as for the touching her self just watch her carefully make sure she does not hurt herself and yes they have a vaginal opening hope i helped

  10. I'm not sure about the v-shaped skin, so I'd talk to the doctor about that.

    As for exploring... I have the same concerns.  My daughter (28 months) get rough some times and now that she's potty training she has easier access and wipes very roughly.  I keep telling her to be gentle or she'll get ouwies... but she still loves to fiddle around down there.

  11. The "v" is nothing to worry about. She didn't like stretch it out or anything creepy like that and it will kind of go away. It's just her body changing as she grows. You have to remember that while we know our anatomy, we really didn't worry about it for a long time and when you look at it now, even without hair or s*x,  it still looks very diffrent from that of a child or a small childs anatomy from an infants just like boys, girls change too. You just notice more because your her mother but there is nothing to worry about.  

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