
Very embarrassing question...Please Help!!!

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Well for a few months now every time i wipe my butt it stings pretty bad, and sometimes theres a little blood too.... please if someone knows why or how to heal this it would be great!!!

Sorry didn't know how else to say this!!!




  1. Best bet, stick your fingers in the hole to widen it before you take a c**p, that way it will be relaxed and wont be so tight and wont bleed when you p**p.

  2. sounds as though you have piles. very common. get some anusol from your chemist.

    if it persists, visit your gp.


  3. in addition to what everyone else has said, you might want to try a stool softener > they're available without prescription.  If you can't find it at a drug store, ask the clerk where they are & say it's for Grandma if you're feeling embarrassed.   The c**p will just slide out without putting any pain or pressure on the sensitive areas.  

  4. You *probably* have an anal fissure, especially if you've had a series of very hard (like cement) bowel movements.  Since this has been happening for a few months, it's time for you to check in with your doctor and have him look at that — it may not be healing correctly (or at all).

  5. It could be a hemorrhoid, which is a vein that has swollen in the a**s, they're nothing to worry about, but they can bleed which would explain the blood. I'd advise you to go see your doctor though, it's most likely nothing serious, but it's better to be safe than sorry. If you're a minor tell a parent, but make sure you go to the doctor. Good luck

  6. Sounds like it could be potentially hemorrhoids or intestinal inflammation from a few discussions I've heard. If your stool is pencil thin it could be inflammation. If there's blood on your stool then maybe hemorrhoids. After you have a bowel movement and have cleaned-up, try pushing (your bowels, as though you're about to excrete) and watch if any blood drips out. In any case you need to see a physician like others have said.

  7. Better visit your doctor

  8. blood = see a doctor

    It's the safe thing to do

  9. Try not to strain during your bowel movements and try not to wipe too hard.  Also, don't start wiping until you're sure you're finished.  If possible, use wet wipes.  One last suggestion, if possible, shower after your bm's.

  10. Toilet tissue is made from wood - so it's naturally abrasive.  Try using non-alcohol based hypoallergenic baby wipes & go gently.  Afterward, use Preparation H or a little rub of Vaseline to help ease the discomfort & sooth the area.

  11. Put some hyrdorgen peroxide/rubbing alchohl/salt/ahcohol on the paintful area. That will help heal the wound faster.

  12. If it stings then you probably just have a little tear, maybe from if you were constipated. Just be gentle, you can apply some soothing cream liek E45 or vaseline to help it heal.  

  13. Don't wipe so hard to use c**p paper. maybe something is constantly irritating it

  14. This was happening to me the other week. I just let it heal. It is fine and it happens. I don't necessarily know why but I know it happens. It will be fine. If it doesn't stop within the next week, just go to a doctor.

    Plus, you might have a diaper rash....well p**p rash

  15. I also agree with Ricky.

    Could your stool be to big around?

    I remember mine hurting when I was younger.

    But I agree with everyone else also. If it doesn't heal, a doctor is the best idea.

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