
Very good cheap tv?

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i'm looking for a cheap lcd tv for about 300 but not that small. i've seen 22'' tv for 300 but bad brand So at least 19 and up would be nice if you could help




  1. try this one

    Polaroid 19" LCD Television - TLA-01911C

  2. I bought an RCA digital one at walmart  20  in for $150 and i love it! The next higher one was not much more either.

  3. "Very good cheap" is an oxymoron - look it up. The best you can do, anywhere near your budget, is a 19" LCD HDTV from Toshiba ($325) or Sharp ($300). There is nothing else close that is worth buying at that price point.

    The answers  you got re: RCA and Polaroid are c**p, from people who don't know what they are talking about! Some of the Vizio idiots might be stopping by, too, so be sure and read this site about Vizio and other "disposable" TVs.
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