
Very good olympics question!?

by Guest31906  |  earlier

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y is every single thing in the olympics spelled in english?

beijing 2008 is spelled in english

all of the uniforms are.

the names of the ahtletes on the uniforms are.

i really want to know ive been wondering this for a long time




  1. english is the most widely spoken langauge on the planet, GBR should win some gold medals for that too

  2. Because it is considered to be the most commonly spoken language. Now go to Yahoo Sports and click on "Olympics" and then go to the medals count area and click on the USA. Notice that there is no official language shown? Time to crack down on those border patrols, eh?

  3. English is the universal language and olympics are shown in every country so u cant spell it in any other language

  4. Because it's become a universal language and it's spoken throughout the world.

  5. Wow, good question, maybe because English is the universal language. Really good observation.

  6. English is simply becoming a more common and recognizable language. If they were to put everything in Chinese, much less people would understand it than if it were in English. Also, many countries, including China, are teaching children English as a second language as they go through school, so many of the people there can speak English.

  7. Everything about the Olympics is done in a Maximum of 3 Languages.

    First: English, the most commonly used and recognised language throughout the world.

    Second: The language of the host country - in this case I believe they have chosen Mandarin which is the most spoken dialect of Chinese.

    Thirdly: Frizz is Right - It is French because of the father of the modern Olympics

    The most commonly used will always be English however because in general its the most known. Even those in countries who do not speak English are likely to learn English as a second language as it opens them to travel and better job opportunities in multinational companies.

    EDIT: Frizz is Right - It is French because of the father of the modern Olympics . My Bad. I ask forgiveness for my mistake, its 3am. Thanks for the correction.

  8. Yes, English is like this universal language and even if you live on some plays when sun doesn't rise you're supposed to know English cause it's kinda international. Without English this Olympics will be less comprehendable by a lot of people.  

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