
Very high chlorine in the pool?

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My pool is very green and murky, its so bad you cant even see the bottom of the pool. I've tested it and the pH is fine but the chlorine is too high. I've tried turning off the chlorine so that no more chlorine goes into the pool, but its gotten worse. Is there anything i can do to clean it up?




  1. A lot of the times when you have a rock pool with pebble walls and bottoms, it tends to get green moss or bacteria on the walls. Your pool cleaner can sometimes run over the green bacteria and cause the pool to kick it up. You can always put acid in the pool, but chlorine is probably the problem. I bet you have too much. Now that I have helped you, can you please help me?

  2. green murky water .... you have an algae problem! Sometimes colored water can be a high mineral (such as iron) concentration,but it's usually not murky, I suspect you have a definite algae growth, and adding chlorine and shock will not make it go away. This is going to take a little time and a lot of effort and patience. Are you ready? 1'st fill the pool to the very top with water(your going to need it when you vacuum using the Waste Valve) Next, get into the pool with your pool scrub/brush (about 18" long) and scrub and scrub and scrub the sides and bottom, ( I know it sounds gross being in the murky green water) but if it''s as bad as you say, the sides probably feel like slime and you really need to put some elbow/grease into it to break the grip and hold the algae has on the sides. Do this just before sunset (remember, algae  needs the sun to grow). After scrubbing, add a good quality algaecide, (not shock) around the sides of the pool, (read the directions) I usually add the algaecide to a 5 gallon pail of water then walk around the sides of the pool pouring it out. Let it work over/nite. The next morning get out there and vacuum, discharge the water thru the waste feature of your filter, hence the reason for adding extra water. You'll probably will run low on water (below the skimmer/line) so that's all you can do for the day.The same day... at nite repeat the process, feel the sides of the pool still slippery? get in there! Hence the patience. This time, when you add the algaecide add a little flocculant also ( this will help everything settle to the bottom). Again, next morning (surprise, a clear pool with a dirty bottom) vacuum again. Good luck, ..Taking care of a pool requires some work everyday, but if you stay on top of it, KEEP ALL YOUR LEVELS UP,, CHLORINE@ 1-3 (ok if higher), PH @7.2-7.6(even 7.8) ALKILYNITY@ 80--120 and CALCIUM HARDNESS @200--400... SHOCK IT ONCE A WEEK ,, YOU AND YOUR POOL WILL BE FINE... seriously,, good luck...

  3. Turn off the chlorine pump. Close the pool for

    3 days take Chlorine readings twice a day until

    it drops to within acceptable levels. Turn the unit

    back on. Backwash the pool and vacuum the pool


    If after this has been done and the

    chlorine level remains high  and you have chlorine

    supplied by a metering pump call your pool repair man

    the metering pump might be out of adjustment order or

    not working properly. If you are adding chlorine manually follow these instructions.

    Do not add chlorine during the hot of day.

    Always add chlorine either in the evening after

    the sun goes off the pool or early in the morning.

    Too much chlorine can cause mucous membrane

    irritation and bleaching of the hair, especially if it

    has been dyed.

  4. Your pool cannot be green from too much chlorine.

    I would dump 2 cases of liquid chlorine in and put the pool on recirculate.  (bypass the filter).  Everything should die and drop to the bottom.  Vacuum the algae out on waste.

  5. Add algaecide, keep it running and keep the filter clean. Unless you test the water from 18 inches below the surface you will not get a true reading. Leave the chlorine going. This should show improvement over night.


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