
Very humiliating incident with home contractor?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting my kitchen remodeled and he told me he comes at 7:30 but yesterday he came at 7am right after I was getting out of the shower and I was walking to the closet to grab a towel and he and his entire crew ended up seeing me completely naked. It was extremely embarrassing...I apologized and he said oh its really okay but I am still mortified. Is there anything else I should say?




  1. Tell him that you do NOT appreciate him arriving early, as you were obviously not ready for company.  And that you expect him to arrive at the scheduled time, or call you if they will be early.

  2. Meh, you probably made their day, who cares about what they think. :)

  3. What was he doing in your closet,bathroom, or room? He is redoing your KITCHEN. Unless the layout of your house is ...different. Just act as of it didn't happen, he is the employee and you are the employer. You should tell them that they are restricted to the work area only, your whole house is not their common area.

    And lock your house door so ppl cant just walk into your house.

  4. How could they just walk into your house, did you give them a key?  Even if they did have a key, they should still have knocked and not just wandered into your house.  

    I don't really see why you felt the need to apologise, it should have been him apologising to you.  

  5. Don't worry it happens a lot to tradespeople. let it go, at least he didn't try and come on to you. Avoid him as much as u can to save any embarresment

  6. Blow it off and try to stay busy yet ensure that you pay attention to their work.  Don't invite any extra conversation but be friendly.

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