
Very important. Please help...?

by  |  earlier

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O.k tonight my brother is getting married but unfortunately I wasn't able to make it up there for the wedding. But they're doing a live web stream of the wedding so we can all watch from home. My question is... is there any way to record a live web stream onto my computer as I'm watching? If so please include step by step details. The wedding is in 1 hour 15 minutes so time is of the essence. Thanks very much for your help.




  1. My own webcam has a programme that came with the drivers for this, so see if you have one installed (check control panel for a programme with a similar name to your webcam). If you dont theres a link below to ZD Soft Screen Recorder (freeware) thats a good one for doing just this.

    Hope you sort it in time! :-)

  2. When I wrote this I forgot about sound, lol.  But here is a solution to just record the video without  sound.

    okay, found a good one!  (By the way, this records your desktop.  So along with recording your desktop, it should record the video.  I don't know of any programs that will download a video for you, but this solution should hopefully work).

    Scroll down a bit, to "So where can I get it and how much does it cost?"

    You should see: CamStudio: CamStudio20.exe

    Its in the middle of two links which are directly below it.

    Download it, click on the file that you downloaded to install it, once it is installed, for me, a folder opened up, click on CamStudio, the icon.  (For me, a bunch of little windows kept popping up with some sort of error, keep clicking okay or whatever until they go away)

    If you want full screen (If not, look below for directions), click on "region" then click on "full screen" from there you are set, hit record and it should start recording for ya. Minimize the window unless you want it to record it.  Once you minimize it, at least for me, I couldn't get it back up after I clicked on it when it was on the task bar, so from there simply find it's icon in the lower right corner of your task bar, right click on it, then hit "stop" it should then bring up a window asking you where to save the file.  You might want to browse to your desktop from there to save it there.  Then it should work!

    If you don't want full screen, simply follow all the above directions except for the one that discusses region.  Click on region, if you click on "Fixed region" then in order to record, after you hit the record button there should be little cursor things that specify the region you're recording, click those around the video you want to record.  Else there is a better way, click on "Region" in region, you should see a different cursor appear, drag the cursor to the amount that you want it to record.  Then you should be set, it should record that region only.


    Have any questions, then email me from my profile.

  3. 1st thing to do is to find out what channel it is on.

    2nd whatever channel it is on go to that website, there should be a box or a tab saying record an episode.

    take your USB plug and connect it to your VCR or TV. If you have Road runner or dish network this will work swell. if not then try looking up my source sight that I am about to give you. [even though i am 13 doesn't mean i am not smart. i am good QA and i am already going for colledge as a pro nythimahgyilical geniologist] have fun with your results and best of luck to the people who just got hitched :) happy endings <3

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