
Very important...?

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I am an italian boy and may be my family and I move to London. Is it true that in London and in all UK there are many criminal gangs that go arround with knives? How safes is the UK to live?




  1. I live in East London - the gangs etc target people who they had beef with.

    But violence is part of any city - but I guess London is becoming too dangerous, especially for out-of-towners who are not familiar with everything....

  2. Stay in italy much safer than london.

  3. depends what parts, the only real 'safe' areas are the very expensive ones.


  4. Much the same as Roma, safer than Napoli.

  5. It's all media. There are knives in the UK but there are knives everywhere. The UK is still a very safe country.

  6. The media would make you think so but London is neither safer nor scarier than any other capital city!

    Some kids may carry knives, these are the ones the media concentrates on however you never get to hear of the millions more who are kind, considerate young people as that just isn't newsworthy!

    The UK is as safe to live in as any other Western country.

  7. typical Italian ,giving in before you try.

  8. No, it isn't true.

    Safer than most cities.

  9. Dont move to a big city, like London, Manchester, Liverpool etc. Move to the country or on the coast like Margate or Bournemouth.

  10. dont belive all you see in the papers or on the news, yes there is a certain knife culture in London and other cities but it is mainly gang related as in any country London and other cities have good areas and bad areas but on the whole you will be safe over here

  11. I've lived in London for most of my life (I'm 32: I lived in London for 25 years) - and I think I felt physically threatened there only ONCE (on a late night overground train in east london, where a gang of about 20 youths got on and were menacing): and I grew up in a fairly tough (and poor) area in east London

    Yes, there are a few fairly dodgy neighbourhoods, like in any big city (although in my experience small towns can be far nastier, actually) - but I really think you need to worry unduly about people with knives - at least not unless you are living or going to school in one of the really nasty areas of the town.

    I'd have thought the biggest (and unpleasant) difference you would notice socially from Italy would be the number of severely drunk people on the streets at nighttime - but again they shouldn't usually pose a threat, just a nuisance (or indictment of British culture!)

  12. both London and the rest of the UK are on average fairly safe and law-abiding ... yes of course there is crime, but that's like anywhere ... don't forget that what makes it onto the news are unusual events

    don't judge us by what you see on the news ... that would be like someone from the UK judging Italy by the reports of the Mafia gangs we hear about

  13. Yes it is true that there is a growing knife culture in the UK nowadays and it does seem to be getting worse especially in the big citys like London , Birmingham and Manchester but outside of the citys in the country it is a whole different world.Dont let it put you off coming over here, the UK is still regarded as a very safe country and we are not all knife weilding gang members.
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