
Very interested in art, no experience?

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I'm interested in art. I can't draw very good, I don't know how I would be at painting. What do you suggest someone like myself do if they wanted to get into art but have never really done it before?




  1. Try for some workshop classes first. There are plenty of those. And if you're really sure you still want it, there's always art school. You may not get very good at it real quick, but knowing the basics and practice and being around people who share the same interests is a good way to start on the road of getting better.

  2. if u cant draw or paint ...i suggested that you start practicing by freehanding another artist works... you repeat it so many times until you can draw the picture without seeing it.. n then you learn the artist technics .... by learning his/her past works u can see how he/she make the picture...... and finally you must often see or get a designs/art books

  3. Art in itself is very broad. Are you interested in design? illustration? Say you are interested in illustration, concentrate on the medium. Do you want to learn painting in oil or just pencils?  In short, narrow it down to where you think your interested in the most. Take some classes and usually you can tell if if it is right for you or not in a few classes. Ask around, people who have experience love to talk about their own knowledge and will usually suggest the best way to learn a new skill. Lastly, don't get frustrated! I remember trying to learn how to draw and I could never get the proportions right. Now, I can draw in my sleep! If put patience and hard work in anything, I believe you can succeed. Goodluck!

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