
Very interested in learning how to play te acoustic guitar but have no experience?!?

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I have an acoustic guitar and I would really like to start to play. I know I want to learn Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus but I just don't know where to start because I have never played before. So anyone that can tell me where to start and possibly show me the music to Your Guardian Angel, would be amazing!

thanks so much




  1. i can't play one either i've got small fingers and trouble reaching the top strings and moving to diffrent strets. i restrung the guitar to go left handed and found it much easy for myself,next time Paul Mc is in town i may have a jam with him. Good concert with David Knoll and Macca at anifield him enjoyed himself

  2. Have some lessons once a week and you should be able to play a good tune in 6-8 months!

  3. It might be a drag, but the best advise I can give is to take professional lessons.  I taught myself bad habits along with the rest and just wish I'd started from scratch with a professional

  4. forget ppl here saying get lessons

    jus a easy way out but waste of money

    teach your self two chords

    D major & E Minor

    search on youtube

    pratice switching between both when faster enough add chords in

    you cant play a song with not knowing some chords

    u would do this in lessons so what the point

    good luck

    remember dont bite off too much you cant chew

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