
Very interested in those with ESP? Please help if you have ESP?

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I'm 15 and I have just started having intuitions and images in my head that soon come true. I am a bit scared of them sometimes though, as they sometimes come in really bizarre "falling" dreams, no other way to explain it. I was wondering if any of you have ESP, and what it's like.. when did you first realize you had it, what are your experiences?




  1. i got it when i was very young, but it didnt become promenent till about 7th to 8th grade so well say around 13 but theres alot going into that, but usually with me everything seems realistic, but at the beginning i kinda feel weightless sometime all the way through but i still feel the pain of it all, but ive found out nothing is really clear till it real close to the "event" because there still alot left to be "done" before its for sure its going to happen, one thing ive realized is that you cant be afraid of your visions you have to understand that its a god given gift, and you got it for a reason, and they tend to become less....bizarre and weirded out, bassicly dont give into fear of your powers, because that gives fear control of your powers prime pop culture example annikan (sp?) skywalker, he feared his powers would one day hurt padme or that it wouldnt be enough, and thus his fears gave route too well bad things

  2. Our brains receive all kinds of cues from the world of which we are not fully consciouslly aware. This is what informs our "intuition". Also, the odds are that occasionally something will happen that you were just thinking about, but we ignore the numerous times throughout the day that things happen that we were not thinking about. We choose to remember the "hits," in other words. What people call "ESP" or even "luck" is really just probability taken personally.

  3. I probably became aware of it at about 15 but I certainly did not fully understand it until I was about 30 when it became stonger.

    Everybody has intutition and everybody can sense something but not everybody choses to listen to that inner voice. Maybe its too confronting.

    I have had many experiences and they are too numerous to write here, but if something is going to happen I have comparison thoughts for example in 1993 a child was abducted where I lived and in 2002 that situation played on my mond and another child was abducted - I could not do anything about it btu I felt sad. Recently I wa thinking about two little girls 4 and 11 who were abducted from a football field in the 1970's and my own daughter at the show looked like she was going to be literally picked up by a stranger but something said turn around (she was behind me) and I did and I was able to thawt it.

    I have been warned not to do certain things and to do others just by going with my feelings. I am pretty intune now but stress and throw it out.

    There are excerises to do to improve intutition to here is a web site

    Bill Gates once said "Often you have to rely on intutition".

    Being intune with your mind's internal warning systems can make you very powerful because it can guide you in business and personal affairs. I had a boy friend who I just knew was cheating so I dropped him and later on I found out he was but I knew - it was just intutition dispite poeple saying he was a good person and we were meant fore each other - I knew.

    I have saved myself from near car accidents and being in places where events have taken place like a shooting because I got a strange feling so I left.

    Its not scary when you get to know your internal responses.

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