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isnt it better to eat met because that way you take out the animals that cause the greenhouse gase and the vegetarians eat the plant that take out these gases so in theory it is better to be a carnivore than a vegeterian rigth?




  1. Just thought i'd reply to an answer I saw you left on someones question, i believe it was "these hoes are hatin cause they ugly as ****?" or something along those lines. Uhm, no, shes being an attention w***e and most people on this site are sick of that c**p. If she has to ask people if shes hot and then tell everyone that everyone thinks shes "hot, cute, and s**y" or whatever the **** she said. Then she's obviously just trying to get people to like her. Plus, I guarentee i'm way hotter than alotta girls but i don't go bragging about it and ask for compliments. Don't be dumb.

    Oh, and too answer your question, yeah i agree ;]

  2. ..huh? First of all, it's ''omnivore'' not ''carnivore''.

    And no, because when you weigh up the facts, a vegetarian diet is less environmentally damaging.

    It takes a LOT of land to raise animals for food. Think of all the grain that is fed to animals. That grain could be feeding humans in the Third World.

    [edit] hot hot mama- vegetarians are NOT mentally ill! Your words are insulting.

  3. more than half the grain on the earth is used to feed livestock that carnivores eat. So don't talk about vegetarians eating veggies.

  4. The human animal is an omnivore by nature and we need the protiens in meat to keep our muscles healthy, including the heart.

    That is why most vegetarians look very sickly and die young.

    It is not a lifestyle, but a mental illness that causes premature death if practiced as religiously as some do.

    They even go so far as to preach to other people and try to "convert" them to vegetarianism.

    Imagine, a mentally ill person trying to gain more victims to a disease driven lifestyle that can kill them.

    Actually, that is exactly what makes it a mental illness.

    As far as your greenhouse gas theory goes, it would make little difference, as the plants that would have to be raised to support these animals would more than offset any gasses created by them.

  5. Right, except where do you get your meat?

    Grocery store? Fast food joint?

    And where do they get it from?

    Farms, and then cleaning, stripping, production, packing and shipping --- all this creates TONS of green house gases, NOT to mention a c**p load of waste. And all this comes from meat production.

    Think about it. !

  6. thats not interesting thats stupid!

    do you know how much land it takes to raise animals for human consuption!

  7. WOW. That is really f***ing dumb. You obviosly havn't thought this through at all have you. Are you sugesting because you are saving the planet by eating all the animals away? Cows are overopulated "domestically" only and the sad and obvious fact is that, so long as people are eating there flesh, they always will be. "Eat all the animals away", what a stupid  f***ing tw@t!

  8. All I wanted to say is... I've never met a human who was a carnivore.. even when they eat meat they're omnivores.  Even the most unhealthy human eats some form of vegetables.. even if its just potatoes.... and fruit... and grain... etc...

    In response to another comment:

    What are you talking about? You've obviously never read ANY stats on vegetarianism if you really believe its an unhealthy lifestyle AND vegetarians DO get proteins... proteins aren't hard to get at all. Vegetarians just don't get it from animal protein.

    And as far as preaching... you're the one here preaching. I could care less if a person is a vegetarian or not. And if you're seeing all these unhealthy vegetarians... which I'm sure there are its for the SAME reason there are unhealthy non-vegetarians... They're not eating a well balanced diet. So stop your misinformed fear mongering and go preach somewhere else. We were just answering a question.

  9. No, because if many people did not eat meat, those animals would not even be born to begin with.

  10. Very good question! Yes, eating so many plants which protect our environment is putting us all at risk. The problem is, the celebs are on the vegan issue now, so that's what people are doing even though in private they eat meat at home. This is just like how Rockers make it look like they are heavy drinkers on stage, when in fact there is tea in those bottles. It is just for show. But the fans follow the celebs and want to be just like them (so they think they are doing) so they drink harsh drinks and scream Rock N' Roll at parties before they punk.

  11. Do you know how much pollution slaughter houses and factory farms cause? Obviously not.

  12. Maybe, but if everyone were to be vegetarian, we wouldn't have industrial farming on the scale that we do now. We'd have a normal amount of cows, and they wouldn't produce a dangerous level of gas.
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