
Very interesting "round table " discussion before the Preakness?

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Made you undeducated horse racing protesters look kind of stupid. Agree, disagree?




  1. I do not protest horse racing.. nor am I uneducated...

    I took Equine Management in College - 2 years.. one of my classes was Race Track Operations and Proceedures..

    I worked for many years with horses...and breifly as a racetrack groom (Edmonton AB)

    this link is excellent and honest

    and great for conversation about how things can be improved.. to deny that there needs to be some improvement is ignorant.

  2. Very interesting conversation, very ridiculous by you to suggest that anyone who protests the industry is "stupid."

    It seems like you missed the whole point - there are valid arguments on both sides.

  3. I questioned what the vet said about the age of racing horses. 2 year old horses aren't fully developed, so wouldn't it be risky? Now, 4 year old horses are pretty much fully developed and sturdy, so you'd think that they wouldn't get hurt as much. A lot of things I disagreed with, like comparing horse racing to bull fighting, where the bull will definitely die.

  4. The reason they looked stupid is not because there aren't problems with the industry.  The problem with the protesters is that they didn't bother to research the issues before protesting.  Had they done a bit of research and talked about the relevant issues like surface, breeding, medication... then their protests would have been very relevant.  Fortunately people in the industry were intelligent enough to make the relevant arguments and we're trying to find change ourselves.  It's sad because the protestors clearly want to make change or else they wouldn't bother with protesting... had they taken the time to discover the relevant issues, they might have succeeded in making change.

    My favorite part of the round table was the one on NBC where Gary Stevens told the guy "you are wrong sir!"

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