
Very judgmental? Problem...?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy who i like. (not as in like to date but like to be friends with and hang out with). I'm turning 18 he just turned 21 but I'm not going out alone with him, just hanging with my sisters and stuff and him. My mom does not like him because the first few times she met him he was to "loud" and "annoying" for her. And now whenever we say he's coming over or around she gets mad because she "doesn't like him" so much.. To p**s her off i told her i like like him (as in dating).. but how can i get my mom over judging someone so fast. He's so nice and so much fun... absolutely hilarious.. and if I want to be friends with him I will. What should i do.. because she if telling me i'm not allowed to hang out with him anymore.

This is not a guy who is some immature gangster and ****.. he's a nice guy, goes to church, wants to find a good christian girl and get married.

This is my brother in laws best friend.. this guy has his own business.. he's grown up just likes to be loud and have some fun.




  1. You can like whoever you want to.  He's not your mom's friend, he's yours.  If I were you, I would try to talk to your mom and try to see why it bothers her so much, especially since he's such a good guy.  I'd stay friends and not worry too much about what your mom thinks.  It's your life, and he's your friend.  Good luck.

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