
Very odd question?

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I live in Italy and I have just finished High School. I want to attend University now, I'm studying for a very selective admission test to get into the faculty of Medicine. My dream is to move to the USA one day, but, since schools are a way too expensive in the US, I gotta attend University here. It lasts 6 years and I really want to get away from here. Need an advice: do you think that it would be better for me to stay here and study and move to the US when I'm done or should I pack, get there right away and get a whatever job that might not be satisfying, but be in the best place in the world? I feel trapped here and 6 more years look like a death sentence to me....




  1. If it's going to make you happiest, get a job over here in the States and attend university here. I believe you should do whatever makes you happy in life, as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on yourself or others. It's flattering that you think the US is the best place in the world, I'm not so inclined to agree. (Okay okay, we do have a lot of freedoms and I don't take that for granted. The problem is a lot of other people here do. They know nothing of the world outside the US.)

    PS: Schools ARE expensive here, it's very frustrating! If it makes you feel any better, I'd love to go to Italy someday!

  2. our economy is going down the toilet.. but its up to you really

  3. study... having a great 60 or so years will make up for a bad 6 years, instead of not reaching your full potential

  4. USA - best place in the world. I lol'd. In before Americans thumb me down.

  5. what?

  6. go to university, the US can wait!

  7. V. oblivious question more like.  They won't have you until you have lots to offer, a medical degree would get you in if you follow all the procedures filling in forms etc after you have it.  You can't go anywhere outside Europe w/out qualifications and work legally, you can only get a tourist visa for the US.

    It isn't the best country in the world by a long chalk, coming from Italy you would miss more than you gain and curse your children w. being split between there and your real home.

    Try England it has become more Americanised that the US in recent years!

  8. Unfortunately, the grass always appears greener on th other side of the fence. I grew up in the US and couldn't wait to get away. You'll find that the US is not the paradise that it is often believed to be. The same problems exist here that exist everywhere else, but often on a larger scale.

    It may be better to finish school in Italy, where you have family and friends to help and support you through college. Then when you come to the US, you can find a better job. Many people come to the US, thinking that it is easy to find work and get by, then they are stuck here, with a crappy job, trying to survive and earn enough money to get back home.

    It's a big decision. You shouldn't rush into it.

  9. Stay in Italy get your education there, if you come to America, with no money, no plan and no family to help with a place to stay or anything. I'm sure your plan won't work out as planned. How would you pay for school? Your just out of High School have no experience or credit, which means that you would have to take a very low paying job, and with no credit it would be very hard to get a loan and if you do get a loan the interest would be crazy and you'd be paying it off for ever. Plus with a low paying job how would you pay for (Expenses other than school) like a place to live, electric, and food that's not including phone, TV,computer or transportation and with the economy at where it's at now unless your rich and come over with allot of money it's going to be extremely hard, I'm not saying imposable but very , very, very, hard and stressful.

  10. come to canada!!! then if you must, go to the u.s. (school is cheaper in CANADA!!)

  11. I dont know!! I ive in us im getting collage just fine!!

  12. well Kanada is better now and U.S has no more then 10 year so whats the point in coming here anyways GO TO KANADA!!!

  13. Isn't schooling free in Italy?  If so, stay and get all of the free college that they'll give you.

  14. depending on what state you want to live in... i know california has a program that if you live there a certain amount of time you get school for free. try researching that.

    there are always student loans also. interest on those aren't as bad as a house or a car.

    do what makes you happy! if you are miserable there then move here! don't come to Michigan though, economy is one of the worst in the country. the state is nice though.

    good luck with your decision!
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