
Very random strange behavior...........?

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ok a couple weeks ago my dog 11 months old start sniffing the trash can which is pretty normal for him but i don't like him to do it so i said no and called him over to me. he kept sniffing it then started growling at it like a warning growl then i said no and he started growling at it more and showing his teeth and and barking and growling at it viciously. so i walked up and gave him a correction then he continued barking and growling and now lunging at it. then our other dog walked up to see what was going on and started growling at the first dog and lunging at him so i was kicking him back and trying to control the first dog. i finally was able to drag him away but he was still all raddled up and the other dog kept jumping at him and was snarling. the rest of that week he was really aggressive towards me other dogs and my family somewhat. he's been doing ok an accasional random outburst. also when we first got him he would have seizures on occasion. i asked a vet about it and he hadn't had a seizure for a few weeks so he said to watch him and if he has another one to bring him in but he hasn't had one for like 4 months.




  1. Something is wrong with your trash.Mabey theirs an unfamiliar sent that is bothering him.Also don`t be afraid to show him who is boss.You are the leader .While he is at the trsh can , stad in front of it make a sharp quick sound and move forward and tell him BACK!

  2. do training from a dog trainer! It will help

  3. i am not a complete dog expert but what i can tell you is i have two dogs and they do strange things by themselves and together or at one another....i feel your dog is threatened by the trash.i have another question is it the bag or the can he does not like? and the older dog well he may feel like he does not get enough attention since you got the puppy SO at this weak moment he decided to get back at him and take revenge! umm the best way is to put the can / bag out of sight and slowy but it back in veiw and if behavior continues contact my email

  4. Dogs between 6 months and 2 years should be consided "teenagers".  They think they know everything, rule the world, and everyone should do what they say.  You have to teach them differently.

    I don't think it has anything to do with seizures.


    Keep watching him.

    Good luck.

  5. well hannah maybe he was hinting you needed to take the trash out,jk.

  6. He might have Epilepsy. It's terrible, I've seen dogs with it and they shake around on the floor and its like they're having a tantrum. Ask your vet if its epilepsy because it sounds like it could be...

  7. The Vet can better determine what is going on.  That is really strange though.

  8. I have never answered a question in this section before but here goes, the seizures and the smell thing from the trash make me think of epilepsy (common in humans that's where I am taking reference from).  Watch this dog carefully as things may escalate and the worst case scenario is the big sleep for the animal if aggression continues

  9. If your dog has a history of seizures, and is showing signs of aggression then it is possible that he may have a small or large lesion or tumor on his brain.  These causes pressure on his brain, which can lead to radical behavior, just like in humans.  If you have the money or money is no option you might want to consider a cat scan from your vet.  If this is the problem, things will only get worse.  Tumors can cause your dog to see or hear things that are not there, which will send him into barking, running around, biting or whatever else.  Correct him for behavior that is not acceptable, but if he is barking at the trash something might be in it, like a moth, a spider or a mouse.  Your other dog might not be afraid of whatever is in the trash.  Next time try to show the dog that there is nothing in the trash, or show him that you are not afraid.  I know it sounds weird, but it might just work.   Good Luck

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