
Very scary dream, the worst of all?

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I had creepy nightmares before, but this one just made me p**p my pants at night. im just wondering what does it mean, is it a spiritual dream or just something i should ignore?

In my dream, I went to visit a girl I know (which I dont get along with very well) and in front of her house she was hanging from a leaveless tree and creppy dark house. there is this voice following me, telling me she committed suicide, then a black spirit flew from her body to my cousins body and he got possessed by a bad spirit (the girls spirit), then there was another dark spirit flying around but I dont know were it came from, this one wanted to get in me, but it couldnt, so it went somewhere else. my cousin approched me and was saying horrible things in my ear in another unknown language with multilple demons voices. It wanted to get inside me, but it didnt. I woke up very scared.

what does this mean?




  1. If you are intent on figuring out what your dream means I would suggest praying because maybe God is trying to show you something through the dream as He did for the Joseph in the bible.

  2. someone will convince your cousin to try and make you do something bad, but you won't. Your mind is afriad that it has enough power to resist the dark side.

    if you don't believe me that is your choise, though my opionion is honest

  3. reunion or renewal of a relationship

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