
Very serious question: If you come across a kiddie p**n site by mistake, should you report it?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking at OV Guide (free p**n) and, when I clicked on a link it took me to a page that just looked wrong...there were lots of images (as with all of these sites) so in the 1st few seconds I didn't pay too much attention, it was only when I looked at the captions that my stomach turned...they were evil and encouraging to sick older men (with very young girls)...I then took a fleeting look at an image and saw what was going looked freaky :o(

I immediately exited the page and then clicked on the link again, thinking "it must have been a one-off thing because the link I had clicked on had nothing to do with this sort of thing" but it came up AGAIN and this time I couldn't get out of there quick enough!!!

:o( :o( :o(

I would really like to report this to someone but I have heard about people trying to do the right thing and then being branded a deviant themselves...I knew a guy who reported some illegal p**n that popped up on his work PC and he then lost his job because of this, even though HE reported it straight away! And it was strictly "normal" adult p**n!!!

He took them to an industrial tribunal and eventually got all sorts of adamges from them because tey jumped the gun and used him as a scapegoat, even though he'd actually done the right thing!

Anyway I don't want to end up in that sort of situation but I do want to report this cos it has left me feeling very disturbed all day.

I think the girls in the pics might have been about 15 but I couldn't bring myself to look at them properly as I only wanted to confirm that what was written beside the pics was for real.

So, they could have been younger or maybe even older, maybe they were a little older and this was a sick play acting thing but no way am I going back in there to check.

Please give me some advice and PLEASE, no idiots or stupid/nasty answers!!!




  1. Better yet, find out who's website it is and let's hunt them down and... well, you know.  

  2. The Metropolitan Police have a free Child Abuse Imagery Information Line for reporting this sort of thing:

  3. Yes. Pornography is one thing. Child pornography is a whole other thing. It's sick and twisted. The dementia of it is almost unspeakable. Report it immediately. Perhaps the police may not be able to do anything about it, but whether they can or cannot, you'll have done the right thing. Hopefully they'll somehow track down the creator of the site and prosecute him successfully.

  4. Yes!

  5. Definitely! Think of those poor kids. You have to do something.

  6. There is no need for me to go into detail but every Police Station has an Officer you can approach.  Report the site, if you can remember the URL etc.  If you are not known to the Police, your information will be dealt with without any further contact from or to you.

  7. report it straight away

  8. OMG report this now, child p**n is the most disgusting thing in the world and needs to be stopped.  

  9. Ok this happened to my brother and he turned it off immediately then took down all the details he could remember and reported it to the police,. They thanked him and assured him it would be ok. So do that. They will be able to tell from your computer that you only went into it once so try not to worry too much.

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