
Very sharp pain right above my left hip in the stomach area. I can't move in my chair right now. HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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What could it be? It just started few minutes ago as I was watching a show on the computer.

The pain just grabbed me as I tried to inhale a deep breath. Now I'm scared to move because it's too painful to bear through such pain. It's like a bunch of needles stabbing in that area when I try to move.

I'm scared to call 911. What could it be?




  1. If the pain is that bad you will need to be seen by a Doctor. There are numerous things it could be from a pinched sciatic nerve to a twisted bowel to renal colic just as a start. Never ignore the onset of sudden unexplained pain.

  2. Wow. I get that too a lot. I just like gently press on the area and breathe and it usually goes away. When I experience this, I feel like you do. I've had it many times and I'm still alright, so I guess that we're ok.

  3. hopefully its subsided by now...

    but in my experience abdominal pain in the lower left quadrant is generally constipation and or gas...

    for 2 seconds before you call 911, think when did you last poo? when did you last f**t? have you eaten any gassy foods? (beans, cheese, anything that might irriate your gut). also if you are dehydrated you feaces can "dry up" a bit and hurt your bowels as they go through

    because unless you are lady you pretty much only have bowels in that area..

    good luck with it

  4. PLEASE CALL 911!  It could be anything.....or nothing....nevertheless better to be safe than sorry.  It happened to me four years ago. I will not disclose what the diagnosis was; don't want to put fear in you. Just call!

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