
Very strange, brown, furry looking worm.?

by  |  earlier

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I found a very weird brown, worm thing on my towel. It was about 3 cm long and about half a cm thick. It didn't strike me as a creature straight away, and almost looked like a piece of bark. When I prodded it, it moved slightly, but then froze. I tried lifting it off my towel with an ear-bud, and it didn't come off that easily. It didn't appear to have any antennae or segmentation, but I didn't spend that long looking at it. I also couldn't see any legs. I'm not sure if it might have been a leech? Any thoughts on what that revolting creature was would be of great help.




  1. I'd say a caterpillar

  2. Sounds like a delightfully fat  catapilar. Shame you were in a hurry to get rid of it. Um it's not sounding like a worm from here. But were are you?

  3. Sounds like a wooly bear.  They are THICK in our area right now (mid-west).  

    I don't know where else they reside.

    Did it look like this????

  4. yes, well it could have been a brown asain catipiller these days people are bringing species over seas if you see it again contain it and bring it to a labratory or look it up in the library

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