
Very strange Dream that needs interpreting

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Dear all that read this,

For the last 3 nights i have very strange dreams...all start with the same way and end up again same....

1st night:

i was dreaming that i was near the sea and i then saw the girl that i have first loved(i will name her C). She asked me if i want to have s*x with her and i replied "yes". During the dream we were trying to find a place to have s*x that no one could see us. In the end i woke up without having s*x with her

2nd night.

I was in a castle with my family and having a great time. Then i saw her again. She was there and asked me again the same question and i have replied again yes. As we were walking this time i saw another girl (i will name her K) which was a girl that i was trying to get a relationship with her lately. Anyway she was half naked and was crying. i approached her and asked her why she was crying but she said it is nothing. Suddendly the dream changed into a nightmare and i dream that i was in my bed and that i was thinking of the dream that took place in the castle. ( i was thinking about the dream in my dream) Suddently i turn my head to the window and i see a black figure dressed with heavy armor and gun( like the S.W.A.T team armor) and broke my window. He jumbed in and aimed the gun at me and he said " how are you?". Then a strange thing happened. I was so scared that i wanted to scream in my dream but i couldn't because my mouth was shut.... and i was keep making noises of scream with my mouth shut until i tried a lot and i woke up screaming...

3rd night.

In the third night i dreamed something better, probably because that i changed bedroom... Anyway, i was in a very strange hotel with my family again... to explain better the elevator did not go up and down but left and right too ( like the hotel had large corridors and different sections) anyway in my dream i dreamed that i had s*x with a very hot woman near the pool. I do not clearly remember what happened next but i remember that i was trying to run to escape from someone but i couldn' foot were heavy (just like in all my dreams) and i couldn't run and so i felt down... The next thing that i remembered is that C was in my dream agian and asked me agian the same question... do you want to have s*x? i replied again yes and we finally had s*x. and i woke up....

Is anyone here brave enought to read all this and explain it?





  1. okay,i am willing to give ithis a try,but first i want to let you know that when you dream you dream in symbols. these symbols are created in the sub-conscious to help you deal with problems that you can't or won't deal with in the awake state. i would like to first deal with the issues of your not being able to scream in your dream. this is not an uncommon situation. not being able to scream or move in a dream indicates vulnerability. the fact that at the end of the 2nd night you did finally scream indicates that at that time you over came your fear (vulnerability) is a good sign. it means that you took control. evidence of that is in your 3rd night when you finally has s*x. the elevator incidence where it not only went up and down but sideways too indicates that you have the ability to make choices that alot of people don't have. you have the choice of many paths to take in your life. use your choices wisely. when given this many choices it is easy to make a wrong or poor choice for your life to take. be open-minded at all times and take you time before making  your choices. this is not for others to make for you but for you to make for yourself. others do not have the right to make these choices for you. i wish you the best of fortune in your life.

  2. let's start with locations; ocean, castle, hotel;

    an ocean is big- so big you could get lost.

    castle- a place that is fortified, perhaps dark.

    hotel- a temporary residence.

    I think the dream is spiritual.  s*x infers intimacy.  the dark figure could represent an attack.  Could be you're trying to run from a spiritual journey.

  3. Nothing seems strange in your dreams.  Opportunities (especially wealth, position, promotion) is at hand.  Copulating in your dreams doubles that opportunity.  Interruptions are commendations you get from those around you.  You want to seize all these befitting chances but you can only have one, that which you are much inclined.

  4. If you'd like to know how to interpret you own dreams, you should read this really good two-part article:

    the only downside to the article is the occasional use of lame ad links in blue :(

  5. mmmh...strange man,strange dreams,stranger s*x oops!

  6. It shows your mind is boggled with complex issues that you cannot digest comfortably!

  7. it sound like you are unfulfilled and unsatisfied  sexually  but it could also represent those feelings in a non sexual way

  8. I have to say, man... my interpretation of these is that you have been opening your mind to every sexually charged thing you could (TV, music, real life, whatever) and now even your dreams are sexually themed.

    It sounds like you need to unplug for a while there and get your mind right, doc. Make a conscious effort to not listen to sexually perverse music, or if an ad comes on TV, change it, and certainly abstain from whatever s*x-driven pseudo-relationships you may have involved yourself in. God Bless and I hope you take my advice, buddy. Check out you may like it.  

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