
Very strange dream I need help deciphering?

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Its strange, but in about 3 dreams lately, I have had the same element in each...For some strange reason, I am walking around on my knees, and only when I have to, I get up and walk normally with my legs, but I feel weak and like I cant walk the normal way. Can anyone help give me an idea as to what this means?? It keeps happening in dreams, all within consecutive nights, and I am sure it will continue. Thank you!




  1. Walking on your knees = act or behavior differently, low confidence, low self esteem.

    Normally, when you dream of something behavior or action that is way different from waking life, that may suggest something you desire in reality.

    Walking on your knees may mean that you are feeling low in self confidence or self esteem.  Being lower than normal person when walking may point to the fact that you are not confident enough in many aspects of your life.  Feeling weak added the evidence of low confidence.

    Since this is recurring dream, that may suggest you are feeling disrespect in reality and some disrespect may cause low confidence in you. That is why you are venting out this dream.

  2. There are several things you said which could in dream interpretation point to a feeling of confinement. (being unable to walk upright....something you need for daily life and also walking in a weak manner) you could be in a place in your life where you need to open up a new door or refresh yourself inside (spiritually) and out (through new activies). In other words, get out and enjoy life, accept a new challenge or make a life change (a move, a new career, a new interest). You are stuck within the box of your self now which is limiting you or "feeling confined".

    But I am alarmed actually at this dream. The above could be all this dream is about OR it could be a sign of impending cardiovascular issues or a possible real physical issue (such as stroke). IF you have any risk factors (smoking, diet, or heart/stroke family history) please go in for a physical or blood work. I am worried for you. Take care of yourself. I wish you well.

    ***oh yes, the men are causing you to run. In other words "Fear and head this dream. Remember it when you wake up with a sense of urgency." I am guessing you are in a physically compromised state somehow but I am not sure what and YES YOU DO NEED TO HEED THIS OR SEE A DOC.... my gut feeling is you will know what this condition is and that yes it is circulatory on top of the known condition. HEED THE DREAM.

    I wish you well and I will pray for you. Do not freak out. I am thinking that may aggrivate whatever your condition is, just go in.

    And also you are already in the process of some change. I see that in the fact that you do not decide to run, you just are too weak and in the process of trying to escape. Your life change has already begun! Embrace the new adventure, whatever it may be!

    (please forgive my run ons I wanted to get this information to you quickly and while I felt the answer)

    ***NEW Well I think the confinement theme is the first theme that came to mind. I think this is true to the interpretation for you. Also I think the pregnancy is your current physical condition. I hope all has been well and that you are healthy with this. Please mention this at your next doc visit, maybe not the dream, but just maybe check when they do your blood pressure. It is important to get out. Can you walk around without a car? It may help you alot to get in the fresh air!!

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