
Very strange dream about a guy?

by  |  earlier

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I dreamt I was following my bff and her brother along the sidewalk. Then there was this really old, big house and she said, "That's my friend's house" and so we went in. When I walked in the door, there was this guy in there and he saw me and he goes "Woah, mama!" And he's like staring at me. I'm looking at myself from another view and I have a jar in my hand, which slips from my hands and shatters because I'm so shocked. So the guy liked me a lot and asked me out. Then I was at his house and I saw him walking past with another girl and two guys. I'm standing right there, but he doesn't even notice me and keeps walking. I get very upset and I never see him again, because he never came back. What is this about?




  1. I've had dreams of hot girls. They usually never come back, its only good for that moment.

  2. my guess is that you feel that guys take advantage of you and you feel you aren't strong enough to do something about it

  3. This is about random interpretation about random mental associations going on in your head, interpreting an interpretation. .You are perfectionistic and you judge your self absolutely rather than relativistically. You assume a relation on superficial data rather than negotiated social contract. Personally I had trouble with that my self because one should not complicate what is simple nor simplify what is  complicated, but what is a sexual relationship in the intimate order of human social relations, simple or complex. You know what I mean?

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