
Very strange dream- can you intepet it?

by  |  earlier

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My old English teacher and I walked (and occasionally ran) along the very hilly railroad tracks where we stopped at some sort of restaurant I didn’t recognize. He then gave me some sort of heirloom; it looked like a grey Christmas ornament, and was adorned with some form of the word “love”. He was very proud of me and seemed honored that I would take something that meant so much to him. I felt as if I didn’t deserve such a thing and wondered why my teacher hadn’t given it to one of his own children.

What's really strange is that I didn't know this particular English teacher very well and didn't like his teaching methods (though I love English and would like to become a writer someday). Also, save a few nightmares, I almost never remember my dreams in such detail and so long after I have awakened.

Any thoughts?




  1. In your dream they use your old English    teacher as a metaphor ; what this dreaming is telling you is this ;; You want a better job and you will get one ; plus you will love what you are going to do

  2. If it really is as clear and as important as you say it is, then it is probably important.

  3. Your teacher may be representing the English language, or the people who will read your writings.  It may be your subconscious trying to tell you to follow your heart and seriously try to become a writer.

  4. maybe it means he believes you have a talent for writing.

  5. The fact that this English teacher is teaching a subject you don't like is what's important. You wish he would give you what you want, which is a good class. That is what the ornament represents. The word "love" could represent your love for English. The restaurant has no significance, but the fact that you were walking and then running on occasion could represent what you think about his teaching style. Is the teacher inconsistent?

    The fact that he gave you an heirloom could represent the way he feels about English. You both have a love of the subject but it's coming in two different forms. The fact that you don't really know him, but yet you really don't care for his teaching style shows the push/pull of the relationship you have with him in your head.

    Is he hard on you? Or do you want him to like your writing style?

  6. My thoughts are its some other man in your life but not your English teacher that wants to express their love for you. This man is someone you least expect. They want you to know just how they feel about you.

    But thats my opinion.

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