
Very strange happenings?

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As I'm writing my book on EVP I am recalling my experiences. After my dad passed away his screen name would appear online. Me & my mom were the only ones that knew it. We weren't on it. We infact erased his name after his funeral. We would IM it, but no one would reply. Just it seemed weird. Any ideas? Also things here that we couldn't be able to find like a battery or chissel would appear right next to us the next day out of nowhere. Why is this?




  1. he back

  2. Things reappearing and appearing is nothing mystical.  It is the same thing as forgetting where you left the keys.  Then when you find them, oh yeah!  Nothing paranormal about memory lapse.

    Screen names reappearing is something you have zero control over.  They are associated with pass words.  So, if he did not get rid of them while he was living, they continue to exist.  He should have left you a list of sites he had ids and passwords for.  

    I still see ids I had 6 years ago.  I try to get rid of them.  But, the great keepers of ids refuse to delete them.  After all that's how they track people on the Internet.  And yes they keep on tracking even when you are dead.  Because dead people have living friends and relatives.

    So, nothing strange about any of it at all.

  3. Wow! I sure can't explain it, but that's just awesome! It seems like with the IM thing your dad just wanted you to know that he was ok, and with the missing objects turning up he was trying to help you out. That's really neat!

  4. You mean ESP?

    Someone could be messing with you and just created an account with that name on it, since you deleted it anyone could get that same name and make a new account.

    Many times you do things unconciously the tools or battery could have placed there by you without you thinking about it making it look like it just appeared but you didn't notice it right away.  Your mind can trick you into believing things that isn't sufficient proof of anything.  Dad should be in a very nice place being happy he has no time to play games with you.

  5. your dad was probably letting you know that he is still around

  6. I have to go with TR on this one. While its comfoting to think your dad may be hanging around you playing little tricks, the probability is not very good. As stated, memories arent that good sometimes. I lay stuff down and seconds later cant find them only to find them right in front of me. Its called overlooking. As for screen m

    names, my aol screen name I havent used for 6 years is still on the net.

  7. he wants to let you know he fine, and hes there with you

  8. Screen names are usually in high demand. If his screen name was released, it probably got snatched up right away by someone else, so you so might have seen his screen name pop up again. Also, depending on the particular site you're talking about, he could have set his screen name to be logged on all the time (such as with Yahoo). Maybe he never logged out?

    Regarding missing and reappearing items, this happens every day to most people. It's simply because we don't have perfect memories nor are we always the best searchers when something is lost. It's only because your father passed away that you were more keenly aware of this happening and chalked it up to your dad's spirit.

    I know you're looking for spiritual-based answers, but since you asked this within the science category, I thought you deserved an answer in line with our current scientific understanding of the universe. Besides, if your father's spirit had the ability to manipulate computer systems and physical objects, don't you think he'd leave you an intelligent message instead of playing cryptic tricks on you?

  9. ah it'll be the little folk playing dem tricks upon you 10 hail mary's and a good sprinkle of tha holy water will see to them right enough

  10. I would say its very obvious. If what your saying is true your father is coming to "visit" you. I'm sure hes also watching over you as well. It would be a shame if in fact it is your father's "spirit" doing those things and your just blowing them off as "...must be some other reason these things happening..." and try to reason him away. The next time something like that happens say out loud "thanks dad" it wont hurt, and if it is in fact him I'm sure he will appreciate it.

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