
Very upset- another YA member?

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This really horrid YA user (who I wont name), has been sending me some really horrid emails/answers. I asked a simple question and had some good responses. I didnt even ask anything that would make anyone angry eg racist question, insulting others. It was to do with my Dad and how he has left me and Mum and how we are struggling financially. This horrid person though accused me of "tugging at heart strings" (when all I wanted was some good advice from others, and many others WERE decent people). The thing that has made my blood literally boil though; I mentioned how my Nan has serious heart failure and Grandad has vascular dementia which is going down hill every day, and she said that I was using my "dying Nans illness as an excuse for your brattish behaviour". How dare she! I need to take the dog out for a walk soon but this idiot has left me so angry and upset I dont feel like going out. Anyone cheer me up? Much appreciated :)




  1. Hello Ade C,

    Look at all the positive answers you received.

    This person just happen to be on YA Mental Health and saw your question. "Let it go in one ear and out the other".

    "Take what you want and leave the rest".

    I checked the link and saw the number of people that gave her answer to you a "Thumbs Down".  I was the sixth person.

    Best Wishes.

  2. Send her the most disgusting, kinky, revolving mail you can think of - pop some hard core filth into it aswell if you like. Suggest she does these type of physical things with members of her own family.

    I think that was good advice. Block her afterwoods!

  3. she has definitely got issues! i looked through some of her previous questions and this woman is supposed to be a mother!! i feel for her kids!

    ignore her. i have reported the answer and was the 7th thumbs down so she will get what she deserves

    cheer up :P x*x

  4. report them for breaching the YA guidelines. also post the link to the question and answer so that we decent people can report himi as well. YA will deduct 12 points from him for being so horrible haha.  

  5. Don't listen to idiots like that honey. Take the dog out, the fresh air and exercise will make you feel better.

    It really sounds like you're going through a tough time right now. My heart really does go out to you. Just hang in there, things will get better!!

  6. Oh! Ade my dear, you are dealing with the public. Many are here to amuse themselves, some to upset others and few to answer your questions intelligently.

    Please ignore this "she", take your dog out for a walk and offer her the remnants of  your dog food.

  7. Report her.

    Other than that try not to let it get to you (easier said than done I know). Sometimes you get answerers who will just abuse and judge as it's so easy over the internet. I give them a thumbs down so I don't have to read their answer!  

  8. I've been in similar situations. All you can do is ignore these people and get on with enjoying Y!A. If they have nothing better to do than upset people and waste their time, just ignore them - as hard as it is

  9. Sounds more like some sprog who hasn't yet matured.

  10. i know its horrid when you get those. well report her. you can do it just look at the links. and i hope she doesnt bother you again x

  11. seriously dont listen to some silly anonymous nutcase how could they understand? or even care what they write, believe me if they knew you they wouldnt be able to say nothing its a pathetic waste of time on their part forget it

    ahh look this is one of her questions

    'My mind is racing, I can't keep still, I can't stay seated?

    Today, all day, I have been in a constant state of agitation for no reason it's strange and I'm scared, I can't keep still or settle my thoughts or control my breathing. I don't want to go to hospital in case they section me for mental illness am I going crazy?'

    make you feel better?

  12. Yeah - good bit of advice - do what I do - Ignore these prats - they make these comments safe in the knowledge that they are hiding behind a computer screen and remain anonymous.

    By saying what she did - she has opened up her own can of worms - showing her real character - a sad lonely individual with nothing better to do than to try and bring others down to her level.

    Rise above it - she is worthless

  13. There are gits out there, just ignore them, or report his abuse to Yahoo.

  14. Report the insulting answer.  Block the user.  Go walk the dog and try to forget this.  That person isn't worth being upset over.  

  15. I think we've all had responses like that occasionally.  Because you're feeling vulnerable, you're allowing this to hurt you.  Look love, the internet is not real life, we are not real people on here.  In a minute, I'm going to kiss my husband and make him a cuppa tea.  Then I will be a real person.  On here, I'm a grumpy old woman.  Why not make some real. flesh and blood friends, don't rely in YA for emotional support - we come here so we don't have to be nice to everyone, like we do in real life.


    It definitely sounds like a troll. Check out some of her other answers. Ignoring her is probably the easiest solution: either she has had a bad day or simply finds being horrible to people on YA a relaxing hobby. She might have actually found your question to be provocative or have been through something similar herself where, had she been forced to deal with it alone, she might have blamed herself and attempted to do likewise with you.

    No one else who has replied seems to have had any problem with you and no thumbs up on her answer indicate no viewer shares her view. So the problem is obviously with her despite the fact she might not like it to be pointed out.

    Sorry, that's not too cheering but I'm completely useless at that. Walking the dog and getting fresh air should help. Also, remember you can just log off here any time, leaving her hovering in the cyberworld. Besides, you have the spoken (written) support of at least 17 people. Good luck, sorry for making you read an uninformative essay.

  17. crikey its the net!!! why let it bother you? ignore it or block them (if you feel the need) then get on with your life

  18. please name the b*****d and lets see how they like it

    and hey honey sometimes things never seem that they will get better

    but they do....I promise

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