
Very weird i know but i want to be famous!! i don't know where to begin, 17 year old male, any ideas??

by Guest59748  |  earlier

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Very weird i know but i want to be famous!! i don't know where to begin, 17 year old male, any ideas??




  1. If you just want to be famous, I'd wait until you're 18 and then try to go on a reality show, do an internet p**n site or put clever videos on You Tube.  I'm not kidding, those are pretty much the easiest and fastest ways to become famous.  

    Please don't try to be an actor.  There are people in this world who legitimately want to act and you'd just be cluttering the process.  

  2. Try lesson, School, Just to get experience, Then try plays, Take Acting In college! Then get an agent, Good Luck

  3. You should take a different approach with your goals. Instead of trying to "Be Famous", try to be excellent at something that you like that may make you well known.  Your chances of becoming "Famous" are very, very small, no matter what you do.  However, it pretty easy to become "Infamous".

  4. You're going to have to be more specific.  "Famous" is a pretty broad goal.  You can be famous for a lot of things -- writing an amazing book or killing your whole family in their sleep.  h**l, you could be Paris Hilton and be famous for absolutely nothing.

    Try narrowing it down a bit.  What are you good at?   Are you a good writer? Musician?  Actor?  

    Next, hone your skills.  Take classes at your local community college or studio.  You don't have to be college aged to take classes at a community college!  Anyone can do it, you just need your parents (and sometimes your schools) permission.

    Next, practice, practice, practice.  Don't ever stop doing what it is you want to do.  Get better.  Seek feedback and criticism, not just praise.  You can't learn from praise.  It will sting a little, but it's the only way to get better.

    It's not enough to just want to be famous.  You have to have a passion for something and a skill for it.

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