
Vet puzzled by sick kitten?

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The other night we noticed that our kitten had blood on its r****m. We rushed him to the vet and the vet said he appeared perfectly healthy, but said if we would like he would do a blood and a fecal test. We agreed to him doing the two tests and he found absolutely nothing wrong with him. He said that our kitty could possibly have Colitis, but that there wasn't enough evidence to prescribe him an anti inflammatory drug. He said just to keep an eye on him and that if things get worse we could take him in again.

Well since then my kitty has had some diarrhea. And has throw up once.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong with him?

We are hesitant to take him in again lest we're just wasting money on him over something minor.




  1. If the vet did not do a barium x-ray he may not see the problem. Give him just a small amount of food at each feeding for a day or two. Feed him baby food and of course fresh water. He may just have an irritation but when blood is present or continuing diarrhea, he will need to return to the vets office for further testing. If his r****m is irritated put a small amount of A&D ointment on the area. It won't hurt him.

  2. Take it to another vet to get a second opinion. Make sure you get the records from the other vet so they can reference them. I know it will cost more to take it to another vet, but they might find something wrong that the other one didn't.

  3. Diarrhea and vomiting always concern me.  If it occurs more than once, take him in.  As for the fecal tests: they're not always 100% accurate and can miss some parasites.

    Have you changed his diet?  Also, is he an outdoor cat?  That could mean he fell while outside and may have torn some tissue in his r****m.

  4. If he continues to vomit, i would bring him to the vet again. He could become dehydrated from all the fluid loss, so he may need sub q fluids. Since you have already done bloodwork and a fecal, theres not much else to do right now. You may have just caught the very very begining of him getting sick though.

    Monitor his appetite and activity level. If he keeps vomitting, loses his appetite, or becomes lethargic then he has to see a vet.

    In the mean time, try adding some canned food to his diet if he isnt already eating it. Make sure you are feeding him a premium kitten food (bought at a pet store or vet) rather than something you pick up at the grocery store. Maybe he's just having problems tolerating his food! If you do switch his food, make sure to do it slowly over 4-5 days, since you may cause further gastric upset by doing it too quickly. Good luck with your kitten!

  5. More test at this point would be a waste of money in my opinion. Watch to be sure he eats drinks and plays. If all this is normal then do not worry and give it a while. If he is keeping some food down feed him very small meals for a while, he may have eating a part of a toy or piece of grass or anything that really upset his stomach. Or he may have a parasite but usually these type of thing tend to get better with time IF not you will know in a few days.

    But as long as he does not appear over all ill then a wait and see approach is probably best.

  6. have it tested for felv fiv giardia

  7. My kitten had this exact problem and the vet couldn't find anything wrong with her and she tested for everything and we tried meds but they didn't help.  We had flies in the room we kept her in and they lay eggs in food and p**p and we didn't know this so we researched and found that if she had accidentally been eating them it could be causing the diarrhea.  We gave her back to the shelter (i foster) So I don't know if she got well... but the new kitties we got had the same things so we scrubbed the room down and now keep it SUPER clean and their diarrhea has gone away and same with the blood.  Try and clean your house as good as you can or keep him in a room that is TOTALLY cleaned with NO flies or bugs that lay eggs.  Give new food and food bowls everyday and change the litter constantly and see if anything changes.  Good luck.

  8. Take him to another vets/

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