
Vet salaries??

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i just looked up the vet salaries in google and was not very impressed. i thought they were supposed to make a lot of money!!! they barely make it to 40,000 bucks a year, thats 3,333 1/3 dollars comming in per month, that SUCKS BALLS. you cant even get a house with that money!

am i being lied to or is this the actual salary? i'm lookin at horse vets on an average

also, a friend of mine said that if you own your own business then you'd make more money. could someone give me a comparison of workin under someone as a horse vet and not? thanks




  1. There is a VERY wide range of salaries.  A new vet out of school or one in a very rural area would make about that much.

    The veterinarians that own their own business, have several doctors, modern facilities (x-rays, ultrasounds, and can do surgery), and live in a somewhat suburban area can make 100,000+.

    I work at a clinic and the doctors that own it make 100,000+, where as the new doctor fresh out of school only makes 35,000 and the other doctors make about 60,000.

    There is a very wide range.  Being a vet has its benefits and it's draw backs.  Horse vets have to be on call which means 2 AM colic calls.  They many times have to bring their  young toddlers on calls in the middle of the night!  It can be a dangerous job too.

    The good news though, is that they get to work with these lovely animals that we love.  Also, most of the people are SO wonderful and appreciative.  They get oodles of thank you letters, cookies, and flowers!  Your clients really do appreciate your work.

  2. A new graduate makes about 40-50K a year to start. Vet's who own their own practice make 75- to well over 100K per year. Large animal Vet's make more.

  3. a  new graduate makes that but a person with experience make about double that

  4. There is actually a shortage of large animal vets. Vets that work in the USA under the govt. get about $78,000 a year, and most vets that work in private practice get about $66,000 per year. Then again, you have to remember that all of the school you will need for vet school will be very expensive. Not sure how much vet school is in the USA.

    My uncle owns a huge stable, and his vet lives there so he's on call 24/7. He gets free rent, utilities, etc, and get gets an annual salary. That's also an option - large racing stables usually have a vet on property 24/7.

    My friend's dad is a small animal vet, and he makes a lot of money (then again, he has been a vet for 20+ years). It's like with anything though, you can't expect to be making six figure salaries your first day on the job.

    Veterinary work is very rewarding!!!

  5. Nope- you are being told the truth- avg. small animal/ mixed animal vets make about $40k a year

    And while some Dr's are successful and owning, it is not a cheap venture to start-   about 1/2 million for start up- not to mention malpractice coverage

  6. If you go into equine medicine, you don't for the money.  My husband barely brings home 40,000 a year works his booty off.  Some equine vets make a ton, it just depends on who you know and how lucky you are.  Most do because they love the horse and want to work with them daily and make their lives better.

    working for someone, he gets a base salary and then 10%R of what he brings in, including meds.  He has a pretty good deal, because most don't do that much.  He also gets to keep all his emergency fees so that can help the paycheck if you have a busy call weekend but that is not dependable.  Thank goodness for the base, though, because there are a lot of vets that pay on production only and right now with the economy, people are not getting basic things done for their horses (or they are doing it late).  

    Hope this helps.
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