
Vet says better to neuture b4 1st heat?

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my darling baby shih tzu is 4 mnths and just went to the vet ytd, and had her 3rd vaccination. the doc said that we can either get her spayed before and after her 1st heat, (before = right at 6 mnths) .

she said it will prevent breast cancer, and like sumother thing.

u guys think itll be alright?




  1. The statistics, according to my vet are:

    Spay before 1st cycle = 0% risk of breast cancer.

    Spay after 2nd cycle = 80% risk of breast cancer.

    Spay after 3rd cycle = 50% risk of breast cancer - which is equal to any other non-spayed female.

    The other problem your vet referred to is probably pyometria (infection of the uterus).  A "closed" pyometria can kill your baby before you even know it.  An "open" pyometria can still kill, but there is a noxious discharge that alerts you to the problem.

    Altering a female prior to 6 months has shown a problem with adhesions, and urine leaking in later life.  

    Get her done when your vet recommends, and enjoy her for many years!

  2. Your vets right, there are no health benefits to waiting until after a dogs first heat, spaying early prevents breast cancer and other forms of cancer considerably.  Waiting until after a heat is unnecessary, messy and can increase the chances of unwanted puppies dramatically.  The heat time is up to 21 days, of which you have to keep the dog away from any and all unfixed males along with messy blood that you have to clean up constantly.  On her 6 month birthday say Happy Birthday let's go to the vets to get spayed.

    It's the smartest thing and the best thing you can do for your dog.

  3. Yes, Spaying reduces risk of certain illnesses.. unspayed female dogs go into heat about once every eight months and it lasts for as long as three weeks each time. And they don't go into menopause.

    more info about spaying your dog try this..

    it's a very informative site.. gudluck..

  4. It is the best thing for a female to get spayed before her first heat. It is very safe and yes very healthy for her..all you have to do is keep her calm after surgery so she doesn't hurt the stitches.

    add- My vet spays and nueters around 4-5 months

    also your vet is right about the cancer and  other thing as well..spaying a female before her first heat will take the chance away of her getting breast cancer and or some urterus infections that can kill a femal...

  5. Your vet is right. It is best to spay before their first heat. Your puppy will be absolutely fine if she is spayed at 6 months and by spaying her, you will be reducing her risks greatly to things such as mammory cancer, pyrometra, etc.

  6. I am with your vet 100% of the way. After they have had a heat chances of certain cancers such as breast cancer really rockets up. If they never have a heat chances are this will never happen.

    I always spay/neuter about 5 1/2 months to be sure I catch them before that first heat and with males before they start lifting their leg.

  7. Your vet is absolutely right. It's healthiest to have her spayed before her first heat.

  8. Spayed female dogs live longer than unspayed ones because early spaying dramatically reduces the risk of serious, potentially fatal conditions such as breast cancer and womb infection.

    According to my vet the best time to spay is before the dog reaches her first season for this virtually eliminates the risk of breast cancer later in life. So don’t hesitate anymore! To read more on the benefits of early spaying, you can check out the link below.

    Goodluck to both of you!

  9. Yeh its better to get them done before their first season.

    Im not sure about breast cancer, but if you get them done before, then they dont know what they are missing, if that makes sense!

  10. i would let  her have her first heat as i think four months is too young to be spayed when i had my female bichon frise my vet wouldn't let me spay her until she had her first heat and was six months old  

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