
Vetenarians and doctors please...?

by  |  earlier

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well i found a pigeon and it has a broken wing and a sprained foot me and my father need to know how to take of it and what do to for it to survive.. also how are we supposed to know when to let it go




  1. This bird will have to have his wing set for it to properly heal so he can even fly again.  See if your local wild life association will take him, if not see if you can find a bird rescue agency....

  2. You really need to get this bird to a qualified wildlife rehabber who will know how to care for it properly.  Or there might be an avian vet near you who will treat a wild bird at no cost to you.  It is imperative though that this bird get proper treatment.  

    Whether or not the bird will ever be releasable is in question.  A vet or rehabber will evaluate the bird after it has been treated.  If they feel it can be released, they will do so properly.  Otherwise it will likely live out its life in a rescue or shelter organization.  (Many wildlife rehabbers ultimately adopt a number of these birds themselves.)


  3. Call your local humane So. and ask the number for the local wildlife, tell them what you have, they will come and take the bird in for treatment.

  4. A Rehaber can help you.  If the pidgeon has a band the Rehaber can contact the person who owns it especially if it is a homing pidgeon.

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